😭😭😭😭😭 bro I never noticed this that’s fucking hilarious

I feel incredibly crazy and dumb for not noticing this shit 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠

I been listening to this man since the early 00s how the fuck😵‍💫

She’s so GODDAMN FUCKING hot man!

There is no genre anymore if we are being completely honest. Like there is, but with sampling and so many people doing genre’s uncommon to their expected cultural background it’s only going to make genre more and more irrelevant, more or less.

I’m usually not to hard on rapper for their voices if the rest of the package is good enough but NBA Youngboy has got to have one of the most awful voices ever son… I literally can’t bear it at all. I have to leave wherever it’s playing till it’s done literally.

It’s a shame because he didn’t start off so aggravating vocally; it just gradually became more and more obnoxious and grating over time.

Yeah I’m with you. I love it on XXX and AE but it ruined Scaring the Hoes for me.

LMAO love Earl but he definitely sounds like he’s being forced to rap 😂

Yeah I can’t fucking do it. Maybe his earlier work but his latter career is some of the worst shit I have ever heard vocally 😬

Drake has ghostwritten for people before so some see that as a pass. I’m neutral personally… I just want good music but I’d never put Drake in my top.

I’m starting to get VERY hungry. Someone hand me a plate…

First of all bitch, I didn’t even say that. Reading comprehension is key. You can save all that taking your sad life out on people online shit, go somewhere else with that nonsense😆

Yeah Earl’s style in general much like DOOM is just too left for the average person lol. Their loss lol he’s still one of my GOATs

If his sound was more accessible he’d be cemented GOAT. To me he’s high up there for sure but I get why someone wouldn’t put him over the typical top 5 regulars.

I think, especially with the way things are trending, you are going to have to set (and be accepting of) smaller more realistic goals. That dream of being this big success like some of the artist in the past is like the lottery at this point. Maybe shoot for a smaller following. If 1000 fans spent 100 bucks on you a year that’s still a cool 100k a year. I’m just throwing out a random ex/number but the point js to not make yourself feel like your goals are so daunting. Also, if you aren’t ready for the possibility of something so volatile as music not being the thing that changes your life, this might not be the move for you.

That empty hole is SPOT fucking on. Don’t let capitalism bully the love for music out of you!