Could it be UK English players that have it different? In the US English, it still references his younger sister. I was initially confused about all the posts claiming it was removed, because I had the latest update but it was still the same lol

I think he was referring to the Godskin lol

He calls you “aspiring Lord of the Old Order” implying you aren’t the Elden Lord/Lord of Frenzy/Consort to Ranni yet.

Even the way Ansbach refers to you implies you aren’t the Lord yet.

Most have the DLC grape but one has a Talisman for frenzy madness builds

Jade’s a big cutie

I feel like realistically, Jade would be better. Being a Royal Bodyguard, Assassin, and personally positioned by Shao Kahn to eliminate Kitana should she betray him just screams she’s meant to be a better overall fighter. There was also the fact that in Deception Jade fought and defeated Kitana and a few other of Onaga’s minions while Sindel did something in the background.

But aside from that… I mean feat wise and “importance” wise, the devs clearly intend for Kitana to be better, so even though I disagree with it, I can’t exactly beat it. I think they give Kitana a little too much credibility just because she’s the OG female ninja in the same way that I think Sonya gets a little too much credibility because she’s the OG female.

I can kinda understand Sonya, since the devs since the beginning of MK like Earthrealm warriors being really skilled despite the shorter lifespans compared to the otherworld warriors.

That’s the area in this pic 😂 with the Aged Ones who inflict madness if they see you and you can only parry them, right?

Monkeys, including the dual katana ones, as well

Reskinned is a dumb word to use, but I remember definitly getting Lothric/Lorian vibes, but in a good way since I love their fight


Just need Sarah Connor and you have all the OG badass women

I’ve been enjoying all the references people come up with in the messages for this dlc. Plenty of Metal Gear ones that give me a laugh

The bosses are not nearly as bad as people made it out to be. Call it, elitists, cringy, cheesy or whatever but I think a good chunk of the difficulty complaints could really be boiled down to git gud and study the bosses moveset. They have some crazy moves and they can be hard but I felt none of them were impossible to learn and adapt to, to the point where I’d go online and write a rant.

To be fair, Patches and Moonlight predate the Souls games and originate from other games. They are more Fromsoft legacy things that souls legacy

Patches is from Armored Core if I remember right lol

Moonlight is from their very first game series, I can’t remember the name. Kingsfield?

Although that all said, I wouldn’t be against another legacy thing added to all their games

Yeah, I think people here are thinking of DLC for games like CoD (which is just overpriced skins nowadays as all maps are free) and exaggerating. Single-player games usually always have good DLC.

Tbf and honest, Ashes of Ariendel was criticized for being too short and only having 2 bosses at the time, and most people don’t consider the Wolf that great. Although that was rectified by The Ringed City to the max.

I dunno if really counts, but using the telescope could substitute for a first person mode if your aim is screenshots

Jade’s a big cutie

Jade easily. Skarlet comes right behind her imo.

Jade’s a big cutie

Maybe he’s talking about the atmosphere? As in this game is missing the very gritty stages/look

Off memory, I can only think of the corrupted living forest, the fleshpits and pyramid.

Damn! What did they do to her?? Is she like her game version at all? Or like, might as well be a new character!

These are some good ones, but in point number 4, when was the last time they even did that. I can only remember Demon’s souls having something like this and that would make it the first and last time lol

Did they do Jade justice? 🙏🏽

I guess? Probably just me, but I’ve never looked at ER that way. To me, it was just another great souls games but if I were stuck on a boss in the DLC, I wouldn’t look at using a shield occasionally as entirely changing my build. I look at it as adapting to certain moments that are clearly meant to counter certain play styles. Likely intentionally because I’ve no doubt From saw all the builds for base game and all the claims about how easy it was and decided to make the DLC a good counter to that.

Of course, if equipping a shield hindered you in the sense that all of a sudden you’re fat rolling or you’re one of those builds that rely on low equip loads, that’s another argument to be made but if you don’t fall under that category, there’s no reason to not switch it up occasionally if you’re stuck. You’re just purposely hindering yourself at that point and trying to prove a point.

I really went into this DLC after all these Reddit posts thinking I was gonna be struggling like crazy with my Broadsword and shield and it turns out, it was overblown and most of it came down to people refusing to adapt and change it up a bit. I still struggled sometimes, of course, I’m not saying it was stupidly easy but to over exaggerate a lot of the difficulty does not help people’s arguments and it’s starting to become blatantly obvious when someone is struggling over something that can be trivially adapted to.

The only valid complaints I’ve seen are PC players talking about performance (as a console peasant, I could never 🤷🏽‍♂️). Anything difficulty wise is subject to “let’s see your build and play style” imo.

You can have up to 3 tools for your left hand. How is that an issue unless you don’t want to learn to switch back and forth mid fight?