Their internal Grifters will definitely be capitalizing on all of this.

Taking Lefts like your favorite Nascar Driver with a full ass Bus reads like a MAGA scene.

What quality looks like and also what above and beyond value looks like.

Lived with stir fry all my life and so my siblings and their kins and no one is fat or unhealthy. Stir frys have a crap ton of veggies.

Jane the only real MVP out of all the commenters on the screenshots.

Yes the Stake looks well anchored to the plate, but that piece of meat is Gorgeous.

I resell you resell you can buy from me all year long, just don't cut too deep into my already small profit margin.

Whenever i retire i want to plant acres of these.

Treat your plants like body building but with NPK and the yields will come but also ideal environment and stellar genetics.

Thrifting with the skills of fanning thousands of shirts and looking for indicators on making it a vintage, then checking it out.

If he is middle class, my understanding of middle class has been askewed all along.

Respect your brother's wishes at all cost, and you are not the asshole.

What it looks like when you dream of Sashimi.

Opium. Beautiful flowers coming soon.

I think possibly a lot of new phones got rid of their earphone jacks and bluetooth options are pricey.