I’m pretty dumb when it comes to this shit. Tell him in no uncertain terms that it makes you feel uncomfortable and you’d appreciate it if he dialed it back/took it slower. If he doesn’t respect that move on. If he gets mad move on

My exwife was the same way. Had a bunch of other problems but the vanilla sex definitely created resentment. And no it never changed.

Yup and this is why Benjamin Franklin wanted to take it out of the American English alphabet.

It’s better to start at 42 than regret it at 72. Go for it just take it slow.

The article I found was talking about HRT in menopausal and peri menopausal women. But he said that increased testosterone can have the following effects

improve sexual desire, pleasure, arousal, and orgasm enhance self-image improve somatic symptoms, such as muscle aches and joint pain increase bone density enhance cognitive performance increase blood flow to the genitals improve mood, motivation, and energy

Why would you not want these as well as other benefits? You’re not going to generate so much T by working out that you grow a mustache, if you do please send me your workouts I wouldn’t mind a little extra face fuzz.

Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/low-dose-testosterone-for-females#menopause-care

Much easier than the moose in the last one of these I saw

Every now and then I’ll bust out my Warhammer 40k models and work on them. I enjoy the hyper focus needed to put them together and paint them.

Correct, but you’re not earning it if you’re paying it

Glad to see nothing has changed since I was there 20 yrs ago. Means I won’t have to give it a second chance.

I’ve worked midnights for about 10 yrs this time. You need either blackout curtains or a good sleep mask. I like the manta sleep mask with blue tooth speakers in it. Next keep a normal sleep routine, if it works for your family situation . What I mean by that is on a normal shift you wouldn’t come home and go straight to sleep, don’t do that on night shift either. Don’t be afraid of melatonin. Your body makes it naturally at night to help you sleep. So you’ll need to supplement it during the day. You’ll need to find the dosage that’s right for you. I’m 230 lbs (115 kg?) and use 3 mg plus sleeping pills. Get into a good workout routine, personally I like getting it in right after work. Then by the time I’m home, showered, played a little video games, I’m exhausted.

On my weekends it works for my family for me to take a nap in the am then transition to normal sleep the rest of the weekend. On my Sunday I wake up early (naturally) then sleep a little later than my normal time in the afternoon.

Some training is better than no training. And who knows maybe if she likes doing it she’ll be able to convince her mom into putting her in a school near her.

I’d like to see the first movie be done more like a spy thriller. With Xavier and Magneto secretly recruiting the first class and the brotherhood of mutants. End with the first class getting briefed on their first mission to Krakoa.

Ok, did you become a citizen? If you did I’m pretty sure you can use your document from that the same way you’d use a birth certificate.

Wife will move something but not put it away where it belongs. For example she’ll put my new thing of deodorant on the bathroom counter , in front of the cabinet it goes in. Like why not just open it and put it away?

And if you don’t get to go in it’s a beautiful area for some off roading. Go check out the border in California Gulch. There’s lots of other old mines out that way, including Old Glory Mine. Also, an old Buffalo Soldiets burial sight. That area is loaded with history.

Edit to add: https://www.gvrhc.org/Library/PeckCanyon.pdf

I frequently say the homeless are the last of us that are truly free.

Studies have shown working night shift increases chances of heart disease, cancer, and other health issues. Hasn’t stopped me from working it for about 10 yrs.

Send this warrior to Valhalla and serve him with garlic butter.