These attacks are shortcut to fame via righteous grand standing for this man, nobody in sane mind can think of an actresses as a certified doctor, it's only a regular PR exercise for these celebrities to stay relevant to the competitive markets.

This man has figured out the easiest way out, to bash the actresses's celebrity status to gain his fame.

The accusations are vile but controversy is just a consequence of the fame phenomena.

Where is the bhu graha in the nava grahas ?

Sun is a graha ?? And which planet is rahu and kethu There are only 8 planets Pluto lost it's staus as a planet

This geo centrism is a World wide phenomenon nothing to be surprised.

Useless locals people elect governments, why go on blaming the symptom, time to attack the reason for the disease.

Irresponsible people elect irresponsible governments



Hope see some credible action, disgusting phenomena, such madness for publicity

There is nothing extraordinary to keep remembering about someone, all this is basic biology, attaching to yourself to an experienced memory is a disgrace to oneself.

You are 29 yrs earning 3 Lakhs per month and saying not knowing what to do? It's a Symptom of dull and impractical mind.

It's just the ego has been hurt, if you have the habit of self obsession, then let going a memory will be a torment but if u r not a megalomaniac, then it's just a case of few weeks.

There is so much to educate oneself and yet ppl cry of petty things and calling themselves a heartbreak etc.

Your heart should break, if you lost any of your limbs, eyesight hearing, or if u have stage 4 cancer or somebody looted ur organs or raped you etc.

This is just silly and childish behaviour thinking and calling her ex? We should build some basic sense of awareness of reproductive harmone driven feelings and it's consequences.

Only then we can see what's exactly all this 😑

Why hasn't the case of abetment to suicide has been registered.

This is your passport for new way of life, it's unfortunate that your psyche has been fucked up like many of us but i can say of my experience, let him not bother you to the core, he is much more fucked up than you are hence he couldn't make use of you to a better life than he had.

I realised this in 2015, the world doesn't end with my parents. this country has many like us, you are not alone but I ll tell you one thing don't surrender to this bad experience bcz this will ruin all your relationships in future and u ll dwell into self pity and later u ll end becoming a cynic and slowly u ll become him without realising.

My suggestion is educate yourself better with books regarding psychology and evidence based science and all also let the past die peacefully don't drag it everywhere you go and poke it again and again which ll start to relive, never do that, it doesn't matter even if nobody recognises your feelings, keep moving and live the present.

Remember self pity is most poisonous thing the human mind has ever known, it ll kill you even before you know it.

I wish u to find better harmonious relationships in future but remember u ll have walk the elephant's walk not to let your past come and bite you, start a new leave the past once and for all.

Malaigalali madhu magalu Chidambaram rahsya Kusuma bale Mukhaji kanasugalu Maruli mannige

Hypocrisy is defined by actions not by mere existence, some delusional minds thinks one life bigger and sacred than another, which is frivolous to think, all life may not equal but all life is same.

Hypocrisy always appears to be good. It's a fact that they cannot take on the majority and survive here.

What about chickens, goats,sheeps, fishes and many others whom majority of Indian Hindus eat.

Jains are hardcore vegetarians why aren't they saving chickens from poultry and pigs, goats etc from their breeding centres??

Better than hridayam.

Nivin Pauly shines than the rest

Don't stop writing but stop telling it to them, till you are financially independent, then it's upto them whether to agree or disagree.

You are just 20 don't forget that. There is a long walk before anything to materialize, don't judge yourself bcz societal pressures.

Nothing new in India u did not over think. Remember

Dogs with rabbies are extremely hydrophobic.