For a 6th Gen, no not so much a deal.

You're gonna want at least: a new screen for ~ $20 A new battery for ~$10

Optionally a new faceplate for ~10 Optionally a iflash for ~45 (plus Max memory of 128 unless you rock box)

Ultimately if you're happy with it, that's all that matters, but given the condition, I'd have tried to haggle it down for a max of 30-40

Or ask "is this because I'm (insert colour)?" And stare emptily

The tool is just to report anything, encampments, dog off leash, litter, grass too long etc. It's just an easy way for anyone to report things. It also lets you provide insight and notes to the city staff monitoring the tool.

There was nothing I said warranting down votes as I simply provided information where to report it. If anyone who down voted had looked at the tool or used it, they would know that.I just think some Guelphites in this sub / on Reddit saw the word problem on a post referencing homelessness and got their knickers in a bunch... But then again some Guelphites also want communism so who knows that's going through people heads at any given time.

It's Guelph 🙄, the link has the text "problem" in it which would be immediately "problematic" for some. I Appreciate you taking the time and having some critical thinking on the subject.

If the people need help, there are programs in place and it's better if things are resolved before there's a negative impact on the surrounding areas or it leads to well being concerns for others in the area.

Use the report a problem link on this page:

Social work / services will be alerted and provide aid if applicable.

If the site is abandoned the city will clean up the spot, holding onto the items for a few days for pick up by the occupants.

Likely not worth selling if you like iPods.

Most iPod speakers are going to fetch no more than $20 assuming you have all the accessories which go with it. There are some exceptions but I'd be shocked if that speaker fetched more than 15.

The iPod you have is worth about the same typically but may be worth more depending on your market and interested parties.

$30-40$ for the speaker and iPod is likely what you'd get. If it were me I'd keep it though.

Have you made sure that you toggled soundcheck?

Also in iTunes, assuming you're using it, you can see if the volume has been adjusted down or up. This might contribute to the issue where you might not notice it if you're using the same file on and on Apple device

Possible, comments vs reporting hard to sometimes tease out fact from fiction, but I agree, makes 0 sense to pay them to leave.

I’m Not arguing your first point, as said above obviously no company or person should take on murder. I didn’t think anyone would take it literal but see it for what it is, a warning which may actually draw attention*. I’m quite certain putting out a notice may get some more notice and attention on this problem, especially if you could get a big ol’ fumigation tent setup. Letting the people continue to squat helps no one, including the squatters long term.

I don’t agree providing notice legitimizes their squatting or B&E however you want to refer to it though.

If locks are changed or entry made unavailable after they leave, I’m not sure of the legal grounds for their re-entry if they have no paper work and the “owner” does. That said depending on the mental state of the squatters, you’d possibly need security after.

Seems to me that there are two victims here. Both need help but in different means. It goes back to my initial point. There’s a reason vigilanteism is on the rise. It’s not good for either party though.

Really? I know MAID was recently legalized, however I thought suicide still was not. I could totally be wrong, Google pointed me to:

But lots of suicide legislation now point to MAID.

Hamburger motherfuckery. I'll have to add that one to my vocab. 😂

Obviously I'm not advocating homicide. If notice of fumigation is made, and the people still refuse to leave, it will force a more appropriate response from councilors and Police. Suicide is still illegal. It's the same way that firefighters can have hoarders evicted when there's a threat to their own well being.

As you said you shouldn't fuck with these people, they're very likely not in the right head space, but you can't expect them to come to the right conclusions themselves. They need help and it's no mercy letting them continue to squat. Not to the owners, neighbors or them

If you have a better solution by all means, share it

You're spot on. Simple solution, give notice the house will be gassed for roaches. (It would need to be done either way most likely). If the squatters choose to not leave, that's on them, they had notice. Also Have the Police and a lock Smith ready.

People wonder why vigilantism is growing, it's because we have lost the plot. If these people who are in favor of squatters actually cared, they'd be helping them move on to an asylum or other agency, not arguing they should be able to stay put. Renters have rights, squatters are not renters.

Seriously Just ask yourself, if you bought a home would be ok with this? Absolutely not.

I would have wound up and drop kicked that asshole in the testicles as hard as I possibly could have. It's disgusting nothing was done to address that behavior.

In theory if you have setup the iTunes library on your Mac to manage music, you should be able to copy the entire iTunes library and music to your computer from your Mac. Then before you open the library (on Windows) hold the shift key, this will allow you to select the library you want to open. Select the copied library (should be the .itl file) and in theory everything should just work. Playlists, ratings etc.

I've only done this Windows to Windows but it should work with Mac to Windows too.

Good luck

Don't think the post has anything to do with homophobia, but I certainly wouldn't want to eat those. That much food die can't be good for anyone

As much as I want this guy obliterated and incarcerated (he deserves worse) I'd take resignation if it means we can save ourselves any more time with this asshole and start getting Canada back on track.

No, but thanks. Let me know what yours goes for. I have an account with every character unlocked, many maxed

Your battery is cooked. If it continues to do this for an hour, the battery is too cooked to have the device boot.

I recommend you put it in disk mode and let it charge. Disk mode is monochrome and and wont turn on the back light letting it charge faster. If you unplug it and it dies immediately definitely the battery is done.

After the battery is good, confirm the hard drive.