ACR stole $40 off of me recently when their software bugged out. Then their staff lied about it being returned to my account. Despite being able to look up the financial history myself.

I sent screenshots of the error message and balance plus of the financial history that they lied about. It clearly showed the money wasn't returned.

Have followed up a few times now and they're still ignoring me. 

What sort of shitty company tries to scam $40? Like how broke are you guys?

They're probably going busto because GG is taking all of the traffic that isn't bots and Phil Naggy likes to punt at Tritons. 

Nah that is a "meat-and-greet". These hotdogs are made from pigs that have been used for biotech experiments. The microchips have both a crunch and taste a little bit like dried onion.

What is your native language? You will likely find it a lot easier to learn from somebody without anything getting lost in translation.

So some mod can have another little hissy fit and withhold the prize as collective punishment?  Sure that was an interesting mess to watch from the sidelines. I'd definitely enjoy another display of professionalism like that every now and then.

Hey there, is this an open offer? I'm a SSNL reg who occasionally dabbles in a little 4 card action. 

Most content online is for hi only so it would be cool to have someone on discord or something that I could discuss O8 with. At the very least I'm sure you'd get a laugh out of some butchered hands every now and then

Ryan Feldman: "Mister Doug Poke. You are a very nice man. But you can pack your bags and go home."

The fact that rake isnt included in the graph is the entire problem here. 

Having articles on your website stating that and listing rake levels is meaningless when it isn't presented at the same time.

The discrepancy isn't mentioned anywhere even near Pokercraft which is where people engage with the graph.

The reason why people keep being confused is by design and if GG was subject to decent regulation this would be one of the first things that would be challenged.

Why not include an after-rake line? Oh that's right... to be transparent about it would look disgraceful and result in more people questioning their decision to play on GG.

The issue here is that the graph is intentionally misleading and predatory and the information about it is presented on an entirely different website. Linking to that website does not change there being an issue, it is the issue.

This is such a scumbag business practice designed to intentionally mislead customers. 

Linking the terms and conditions in response to somebody bringing up their concerns is pathetic.

"No, you see we have allowed ourselves to over-rake and then mislead you about winnings. It says here on our website that we can do it."

Hey u/SnowballNLHE

Please see the following:


I would highly recommend you avoid Blackrain79. The guy hasn't been able to beat nl2 since 2009.  

He is not a poker player but rather specialises in search engine optimisation and marketing. It's why you will find him on Google but not the tables. 

Most of the advice he gives is either outdated or was never correct at any point in time. 

For much better videos check out Jonathan Little, Carrot Corner, Upswing Poker, Phil Galfond, Red Chip Poker

 Slightly more advanced: Raise Your Edge, GTO Wizard, 2 Card Confidence, Finding Equilibrium, Play it Smart Poker, Crush Live Poker and Saulo Costa

Eh, have you watched any of the old WSOP coverage? It was a sea of donks wearing advertising for Full Tilt, Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker. All of which had big names attached to them too.

Not saying there is anything shady with Poker Stake. But just because a famous player is willing to take some money doesn't inherently mean that you should trust the business that they are taking it from.

Hmmm, I had a friend who was in Detox and most of his volume was zone. That said he is no longer with them so maybe that was an issue.

2+2 is definitely a good place to ask though. There is a dedicated forum specifically for stables and horses to find each other.

Just make sure you know what you're signing up for. Unsurprisingly the leadership of groups formed to systematically exploit people out of money can be a little shady.

Bro that's nearly all of them. Some have moved their high stakes volume away from the the bodog network but pretty much all of them still send their lower stakes players into Ignition's rake mines.

Stables demand volume so they love fast fold formats and Ignition is the ideal candidate for MDA to be used against population tendencies. The anonymous nature makes personalised exploits less of an option but also removes the need for balanced play. Perfect for pool-level exploits.

Poker Detox is probably the most famous of them. 2+2 has a bunch of posts from stables looking for horses so that's probably a better place to ask.

Higher stakes play is at reg tables mostly but the stables have moved away from Ignition for that because there is a major bot problem at higher stakes and the stable players prefer to be the ones colluding rather than being colluded against.

From the Ground Up from Run it Once.

It is $50US. Combined with the free stuff Jonathan Little, Carrot Corner and Upswing put up on their YouTube that should keep you going for a while.

After that start watching GTOWizard's YouTube. Their stuff is a bit more high level than most of what the others are putting up so better to start with the others.

Also DTO: Cash. Down the app on your phone for free and start running drills. The AI automatically generated coaching tips are sometimes wrong but overall it is pretty damn decent. You can get a lot out of it without needing a subscription.

It only tracks opponents during the session. Useful for regular tables where you play against the same people for a while.

Still gives plenty of great information even if it is temporary. Also tracks your own hands for analysis.

Try out DriveHUD2. It has a month long free trial, natively supports Ignition and is cheaper than most other options if you do decide to buy it. 

Also DriveHUD  has a leak buster add on you can buy which can analyse your play and give tips and even instructional videos on how to fix leaks in your game. I have been surprised at the value considering the videos it gives you access to could have easily been sold as a separate course for a similar, if not higher value, than the software is priced at.

Hand2Note4 beta is free and absolutely excellent for database stuff. Not sure how it implements with Ignition as a hud though. But hey free is free and worth a try too  

"I led so he could raise me. He fell for it... but he had a set."

Truly a master at work.

He's mostly known for his tournament results but let's not forget his contributions to the cash game world.

He was a pioneer and for 35 years has continued to set the standard for tourney donks getting eaten alive in cash games.

It happens man. Yesterday I played 2500 hands at 50NL and was 5 buy-ins below EV. At that rate 15k hands would be a $1500 swing in AIEV.

Literally just one bad session and I am forced back to 25NL. Meanwhile the guy who shoved K9o preflop into my AKs and hit a 9 on the river of both run outs is probably still donating to regs at 50. That's poker. 

Just focus on what is within your control and if you find yourself getting tilted then give it up for the day.

Replay Poker is free but still a step up from the play on most apps

I know Germany has some rough regulations and that you're not eligible for rakeback through those sites. Not sure about any others sorry.

Coin Poker might be worth looking into. I've heard they have some alright tournaments. 

It's crypto based and doesn't discriminate based upon location so you might even be able to get rakeback there as a German.

Can't guarantee but it might be worth a look into. That said; for the tourneys you are playing it might not be a huge consideration.

Best of luck though, I hope you are having a great time with the tournaments and running well :)

I was on this table. Jackey was spewing it away and to be honest so were you. Not gonna lie; I pretty much bumhunted you. The table looked juicy so I sat. I was lucky too because soon the table had a waiting list of regs wanting to join it. Online poker is pretty predatory.

If you are who I think you are then yeah you should definitely be playing lower. It takes a while to get to 100nl. You would have a much better time at 10nl while you learn. You need to work on your preflop and postflop fundamentals. I've got some tips at the bottom for that.

Also for what it is worth; on that same table and against the exact same same reg I also got KK against his AA just a couple hours later. The guy was on a heater and I lost a stack in the exact same way as you bro. It happens. 

While you did misplay the hand (should have 3bet raised him preflop), of the money you lost, this wasn't the hand you need to go over and wonder you could have done differently.

If it makes you feel any better I stacked the other reg at the table that was making your life difficult with all of the 3bets. Got the money in bad and sucked out too. He left tilted not long after.

Head to 10nl and work your way up. 100nl is rough. It's not a bad thing to play lower and have room for growth. Climbing the stakes is actually really rewarding and exciting.

Also every stake has different metas so expect a learning curve every time you eventually step up. So go slowly and use bankroll management to ensure that you never have too much on the table. There will be ups and downs so you have to be cushioned for the downs.

Learning materials:

For $50 you can get the course "From the Ground Up" from Run It Once. I highly recommend it. 

Look on YouTube for Carrot Corner, Weazel-1991, GTOWizard, Upswing Poker, Jonathan Little and Phil Galfond.

Books; Play Optimal Poker 1&2, The Mental Game of Poker. 

I have no experience with the MTT one sorry. I imagine it would be high quality though as Run it Once has a good reputation. It is cheaper than most MTT courses. 

But you would also be amazed at the amount of greaylt content available on YouTube for free. I wouldn't go spending over $100 on any course until you've started to run out of good stuff on YouTube first.

Jonathan Little in particular has a bunch of stuff covering the different stages of tournaments. Lots of shilling his site though.

Biggest tip for tournaments though is to start small and play with bankroll management. Variance can be a real bitch and professional tournament sharks are playing surprisingly small buy-ins. I'd recommend not entering anything over $5-10 until you start to build up some more experience with the modern tournament meta.

I wouldn't bother with Harrington on Holding Aces.


Run It Once: From the Ground Up - $50 poker course. Cash focused but provides game tree and postflop fundamentals useful for the early stages of MTTs.

GTOWizard - where all the cool cats these days get their preflop charts. Just the charts are free.

YouTube: GTOWizard, Johnathan Little, Raise Your Edge, BBZ, Lex Veldhuis. All provide some great MTT content.

As far as books go: Play Optimal Poker 1&2, The Mental Game of Poker and Modern Poker Theory.