One more tip: as a beginner I find it much easier to quilt “deliberately” irregular or curved lines, rather than trying to stitch precisely positioned straight lines.

Very cute! The grey with the blues and pop of red look great. Is it washable? If so it would be ideal as a pet mat on upholstered furniture or car seats. Here’s a great tutorial on binding.

I’ve accumulated a lot strong pinks and purples that I don’t like. Mostly they were part of a bundle or other precut, and I used most of the other fabrics. I think I’m going to pull together into a pink/purple stash, and donate to local thrift shop.

I really had trouble finding it even though you told us where to look. My favourite discovery as a new quilter is that “flaws” like this are barely noticeable in the finished quilt, and minor irregularities contribute to the charm of handmade quilts. If it’s going to bother you, then you could seam rip and resew it. But it’s likely to be a non-issue for anyone else looking that it.

Chook nuts and moo juice (eggs and milk)

Doesn’t Grant do a great Southern Lawyer in a MakeSomeNoise ep?

ETA I was confusing him with Ross: TBH this is what i imagined for Buddy when I was watching FHSY

Brennan says “no”Spoiler

Full set up and fallout of K2’s Nat 20roll.

Oh adorable. Immediately reminds me of this poem:

The Hippopotamus

-- Jack Prelutsky

The huge hippopotamus hasn't a hair || on the back of his wrinkly hide; || he carries the bulk of his prominent hulk || rather loosely assembled inside.

1hr 37min 30sec is the precise timing of “No!” If you start from about 1:15:17, you’ll get the whole setup from Kristen’s turn. Enjoy! I’ve only watched it about 20 times already. 🤣😂😅

Oooh sweet colour selection 😍😍. Economy Block would be perfect for highlighting the butterfly and bird motifs. Eg

It can be helpful to visualise by folding some potential border or binding fabric and tucking it under the edge of your quilt. As it is now, it looks great with the black sashing as a border. But there’s never only one good solution, so try laying out the gold fabric to see how it looks.

Also in Ep1, 13:42: “welcum to Bondai “

Jet lag on Nebula. Task Master. Rupaul’s Drag Race. .