I am currently snacking after a feed! Don’t forget to hydrate!

Looks like a dress for a cruise or a beach party

We’re at 5 months and still haven’t yet. To be honest, I just wanna sit and not move when he’s sleeping. Luckily my husband feels the same way.


I’m on maternity leave, so I’m home all day and we have the dehumidifier option on and it’s really kept the apartment cool.

Unless they tell me, I don’t say anything.

Being congratulated on a pregnancy when you aren’t is a horrible feeling. This isn’t the case here, but I use it until I’m told otherwise.

I’m in Japan and quite a few of the breastfeeding rooms have a scale and a height measuring device. I weigh him about every two/three weeks. If we see our ped, they weigh him every visit.

From context clues, I gather it’s a state fair. I personally wouldn’t bring an 8 week old there. Seems teeming with infectious diseases and I wouldn’t want to overheat my baby.

We do one side at a time 20/25 minutes every 3 to 4 hours at 5 months

I got mine back at 18 weeks pp and I have no supply issues

Separate vacations at a minimum. I wouldn’t travel with her or go anywhere with the least amount of danger. No pools, no hikes, nothing.

She wants to play Russian roulette with her children’s lives, that’s on her.

Former JET - 2009-2012 Hyogo

If someone tells me not to bring something, I won’t.

🇺🇸-> 🇯🇵-> 🇬🇧-> 🇯🇵

Yes! If you Google your state and overseas voter they should have a step by step guide on how to do so. I’ve been voting abroad for over a decade and it’s super easy.

🇺🇸-> 🇯🇵-> 🇬🇧-> 🇯🇵

Just a reminder for all American expats to register to vote!

You write you love your husband immensely, I understand that. You need to love your son more and keep him safe from your husband. CIO, propping bottles, never changing or holding him—these are safety issues.

My mom has a hiking group, it’s people doing weight loss journey together (men and women) they do varying degrees of difficulty. They go about 2/3 times a month. It’s a nice group, I’ve hiked with them before. Lemme know if you want more info.

Did it twice in my early twenties, never again. Love staying in a nice hotel.

There’s a multitude of paintings showing Mary breastfeeding Jesus, gift them a print for Christmas.

There’s an indoor bouldering place in Iisa Toyosaki, not sure if they sell shoes though.



Okinawa usually has day camps for kids, so you can send the kids to camps while you and the wife can relax with by the pool.

1 and 2 don’t quite fit you right, a big baggy.

Dual Citizen (US/UK) 🇺🇸🇬🇧

Under one landlord yes, she was a crazy neurotic mess. We are teachers (no kids at the time) with a low risk lifestyle and she acted like we were doing voodoo rituals with jam doughnuts.

Never again

I got a car pillow (like for the small of your back)and an inflatable neck pillow. I was a 36FF before pregnancy and am bigger now.

I’ve used both outside the house with moderate success.

Edit: my son is 5 months old and we still use a pillow in the house for every feed.

They are not. In fact, I’m worried about them planting something invasive.