No longer managed by Scooter Braun

I‘d say age is a big reason but not the top one. Fernando and Lewis are still very much in shape and if the car allows compete at the top.

But both of them are single men, no kids - no one at home cares that they aren’t there half the year. Also easier to race in a dangerous sport when you don’t have kids.

And with only 20 seats it’s much more competitive. If you don’t bring talent, money and success you can be 24 and gone or 42 and still race.

But yeah age is definitely in the top 3 reasons why they retire.

Also beim letzten Deutschland Spiel - erstes Spiel mit dem Stadium Zusatz war die Fan zone 2 1/2 Stunden davor dicht. Auch früher als das oly aber auch nur um 30 min.

Da war aber auch ein Spiel davor, heute ist das D Spiel das erste. Trotzdem denke ich ab 16:30 wird die Fan Zone zu sein. Wetter ist gut, Freitag arbeiten halt viele doch nicht bis 18:00 Uhr.

No longer managed by Scooter Braun

Makes me wonder what Olivia Munn believes in that is cray cray.

So far Aarons exes all show they match him or are even more batshit crazy.

No longer managed by Scooter Braun

She still has work to do, exposing all the lizards in F1 /s

I'm all for more women in F1 broadcasting she really does not help that cause at all. Just makes it harder for other more qualified women to ever get a job.

They can't get rid of her before she has exposed all the lizards in F1. I mean that's the only reason to keep her around now.

Ich hab das Auto von meinem Dad schon so oft ins Ausland gefahren, wir haben nicht mal den gleichen Nachnamen und ich hatte noch nie Probleme oder überhaupt nachfragen. Also eigentlich sollte das kein Thema sein und du kannst deinen dad ja immer anrufen.

Das einzige Mal, dass es zu Nachfragen kam war in München bei einer Kontrolle Nachts nach dem Club (natürlich nüchtern), da haben die Polizisten gefragt ob ich beweisen kann dass es mein Papa ist obwohl wir nicht den gleichen Nachnamen haben. Ich war 18, super aufgeregt und die richtig unverschämt, kam dann auch noch mehr vorauf wir uns am nächsten Tag beschwert haben.

Pretty difficult to get Trader Joe’s products in Germany. I always get my friends to bring TJ products when they visit.

But their gravy seems easy enough to recreate or find a substitute here.

It’s wine (most people order white wine) and sparkling water mixed together. It’s big in the summer.

Not to sound too mean but your question is super stereotypical. We do drink other drinks then beer in Bavaria and you can order whatever else is on the menu without being judged especially when having a food allergy or intolerance. Even at Oktoberfest you can order other stuff from the menu besides beer.

It’s called fogging - it’s black dust deposit that collects mainly on white furniture.

Normally you can wipe it off with a damp cloth and some soap.

You can even put them in an airfryer just use a low setting for the first time. And turn them every 2-3 minutes.

Traditionally you bbq them put a pan with just a splash of oil also works.

A table or one seat? One seat, for sure in a beergarden or bigger viewing place.

Stadium and fan zone are closed though.

A table for a couple people? No chance!

Maybe have a look on the app Kleinanzeigen if someone gives them away for free. Or Facebook marketplace

Get those nets for your windows or balcony doors. It limits airflow a little but is a godsend for sleeping or living with open windows at night.

Thermacell is expensive but it actually works amazing when your have a garden or balcony. I have a couple of candles for DM that I believe also work.

In the evening and going out I always use some mosquito spray because I get bit otherwise.

My german friends love terrys chocolate.

Sainsburys millionaire shortbread is a winner with my colleagues, any of sweet tubs sainsbury or M&S have really. Rocky roads, flapjacks any of these. Percy pig is fun because we don’t have them in Germany.

As a German I love Cadbury caramilk chocolate never seen something similar here and always buy one when I visit my UK friends.

For Christmas or gifts in general I sometimes buy the M&S biscuit tins. The shortbread is actually nice and the tins can be used afterwards.

M&S has some nice stuff in general, as we don’t have one in Germany it’s fun bringing back stuff from there because people will think you went out of your way to buy it at a special place. (Not everyone but some) their fudge is good, but also some of the condiments if you want to go savory. Like mint sauce or any bbq sauce really.

Also maybe get something with the Manchester bee on it or could do a beer from one of the local brewers.

It really isn’t behind a paywall. Just use the free option with ads.

Little London has a private room that fits around 25 people. They have set menus from 10 people onwards maybe they can meet your price.

I don’t wish what happened to Ariana on anyone that being said Amanda really needs an Ariana wake up moment.

She will never ever leave him unless he blows up their life spectacularly.

Her insta stories during lockdown and the covid period were so good. Like her building a vegetable garden, learning what to grow etc. loved it.

Paige could totally pull off a Olivia Palermo stunt and do a very cute, trendy outfit for the civil ceremony. I remember OPs look had all of us 2010 fashionistas talking for years.

You’d think that nose would be prettier with 3 nose jobs. Seeing so up close just made realize that is one big nose.

I’ve done events at spicery and Brenner. Also ask Käfer they have a couple locations and can cater at most for that amount of people.

Oskar Maria probably also fits that many. Little London definitely but you probably have the restaurant exclusively with that many people.

I’d say most bigger restaurant can hold that many. Xavers is also one.

Eataly has a good one

But I feel like you can taste the difference between home made with fresh eggs vs. restaurant with pasteurized eggs.