EDIT / Update:

Thanks to everyone for the great insight and input. I may have to do a follow up on everyone’s favorite hobbies and hangouts. Such as places to eat, Amenities that special to the locale, great events, etc.

Alright. So the TLDR version: Wife (from southwest) and myself (from southeast) currently rntly living in central Texas considering a move. How bad are winters?

The long version: my wife and I have good jobs (she’s remote) but we don’t have anything tying us to the location we currently reside. It’s basically half way between her family and my family. Neither of us are from, or lived in, a climate that experiences legitimate winters. Outside of spending a few weeks in NYC at Christmas, we don’t have much winter experience.

We both do love the outdoors and the appeal of Appleton for the spring - fall months. However, the concern is not being able to handle them?

How hard are they? How to avoid seasonal depression? My wife, since she works from home, is pretty concerned that could be an issue. I assume if you had winters tires in your vehicle and don’t take any unnecessary risks, getting around isn’t too big of an issue because everyone is generally prepared for it.

But how much snow is there? How long does it last?

We have a 1 year old and beyond winter. Would love any feedback on the overall area, raising a family there with no ties to the area, etc.