I get it in two... three weeks. That's if I order it today, which I won't.

FYI: dogs can escalate wildlife encounters.

Bears are often afraid of dogs and frightened bears are unpredictable.

How many pairs of jeans am I supposed to own?

I find forgiveness is the best approach for managing anger. You can use acceptance if you like. It's just semantics at this point.

It doesn't challenge the idea that people are capable of managing their anger and that it's often beneficial, especially in traffic.

Forgiving just means "to stop feeling angry or resentful". I don't see how that's very different from "accepting".

By definition, it's the only way to move on from being wronged. It's also the best thing you can do in a situation like this because there's nothing you can do to alter the other driver's behaviour without putting yourself in danger.

Feeling angry is normal and natural. Forgiveness and anger management are skills that you can improve with practice and effort.

Forgiveness and anger management can be difficult but they're well worth practicing.

Getting so angry in situations like this just feels awful and doesn't achieve anything. It feels way better to forgive the dumbasses and go on feeling happy. You'll feel better and drive safer. Don't give those idiots the power to ruin your drive.

I played against Aaron Carpenter a few times when he played for McMaster University. Last match I played against him he fended my tackle with a punch to the teeth. Good player.

They're trying to catch walleye. That's why they're disappointed to catch a pike.

Did you miss watching the video with sound on?

Boiled meat generally doesn't have much crust.

Can someone translate my post into skibidi toilet for the young folks, please?

I'm Marge Simpson, filling in for Riley Reid who didn't come in today.

She is presumed dead or on vacation.

Explains why the goalie decided to just lay down and die

Or if that doesn't suit your dog, a high quality set of clippers makes a huge difference. Don't just go out and buy whatever clippers, get a recommendation from a groomer or a vet tech.

How often do we talk about Drake in the DGDT? They're everywhere right now because of this pro wrestling style drama. It's just marketing.