I killed myself finishing veterinary school. I always thought, "once my mental health gets better, I'll be able to work like everyone else and keep up with my colleagues". Surprise, it was autism! Has nothing to do with my mental health. I will always have these limitations, no matter what.

I never would have done vet school if I'd been diagnosed sooner. I couldn't handle a 40 hour work week without becoming suicidal and a danger to myself from autistic burnout. The field I wanted to go into, my colleages regularly work 12-15 hours a day.

I got my dream position at one of the best zoos in THE ENTIRE CONTINENT, and I ended up ruining my chances there because I became extremely unwell from burnout. I just saw that that zoo is offering up new positions and I want to bawl my eyes out. As much as I want to work there again, I would never be able to handle it. The zoo has hundreds of employees, and I had to mask like crazy. As well as the long demanding workload and long hours made me burn out so hard that I couldn't leave my house without constant panic attacks.

I feel crushed. I wanted so badly to work in wildlife medicine. But I can't handle how demanding the field is. I can't even handle doing 30 hours a week. I'll never be able to work a full time job. I feel so humiliated that I can't even come close to working as much as everybody else in the field.

Idk. I guess it would just make me feel less alone if others shared how autism limits their ability to achieve career goals and succeed in their line of work.