It's not unchallenged, they just haven't been caught yet

There are solutions to problems other than shooting them. Such as actual police work 

She rode 50' to plug her of, come on dude let me hate 

Why dielectric grease instead of anti seize or something? 

If cops are above the law, which American cops certainly are, then cops showing up with machine guns isn't law and order

Guns aren't law and order. They're just guns. 

There's no way more and better guns would have made this safer. Nobody died, and apparently nobody got hurt 

I don't carry any heals or shield until the reboot is over. 4 guns 1 movement until the end then 2 guns 2 heals 1 movement

My partner is good he can stay alive for 10 seconds 

Maybe I'm doing this wrong but I don't see the point of healing early game 

The new guy

I make $150 for a trip from Shell depot to the rack. It's like a half hour of driving plus the load and unload.

When I deliver to customers if they bust my balls I just leave. If you want to talk shit you ain't getting no fuel. 

If my boss gives me a hard time I can tell him to screw. He can't replace me but any company will give me the same money to do the same job. 

I think every multi story apartment building I've been in has an elevator 

Going home is the best part of my day. The only thing that beats it is a day off work

Me and the kids are gonna do a solid 8 hours of fortnite today. Can't wait 

Shit I'm in my 40s and really hitting my stride. That exhaustion builds strength both physically and mentally. Also the hardest work tends to go to the young guys. Longest hours too. I don't know about you but the older I get the more I'm like "have the kid do it" 

I hope you stick it out, we need you to train the kids born in the 2020s. 

It's just one issue. You're talking about hypothetical mom and pop shops and I'm talking about real life. 

This robbery had no deaths, and the money's insured. The money is insured because we have laws. 

You look like you catch fish with your bear hands you fuckin beefcake

Did you build that dam with trees you tore down yourself?

Those are nice shorts, do they make them in men's?

That's a nice fish, beautiful picture. 


You have a child's understanding of business expenses. 

You think SHOOTING PEOPLE is gonna lower insurance costs 😭

😂 You have no idea how any of this works do you. You should probably just Google the fdic and how it's funded, but then you'll just ignore the results so why bother 

You look at a robbery with no one killed and wish for more gunfire. You look at a robbery where the goods were insured and wish there were deaths 

There's no magic wand you can wave to make crime disappear. Having more guns hasn't solved crime, and if you think it has you should compare our rate of violent crime to the rest of the world. 

Send your kids to college then act surprised when they're learning smh

How are you talking all this dumb shit and you don't know how insurance works 

I've been adopting ~2 yo mutts my whole life. I can't train a dog for shit and work too much for puppies

A dog you adopt as an adolescent or whatever it's called will love you just as much as a puppy, live with you nearly as long, and doesn't have the health and temperament issues as old dogs 

Plus a pound mutt is like $300 you can't beat that 

Oh here I am talking about real things that actually happened but you're talking about hypotheticals from your imagination

Well in this case nobody died and the money was insured, nobody went out of business. 

Now tell me all about your imaginary neighborhood store and the imaginary robbers I'm super interested 

Or watching speed limit signs so you're not blowing red lights 

We have those laws

The cash in banks is insured because of laws

If a bank gets robbed you still have your money because of laws 

The bank doesn't go out of business because of laws 

If you can't afford to pay insurance then your business is shit and you deserve to fail. 

What bank ever went under because they couldn't afford the insurance?

Yeah that's what insurance is for lol. You know, laws. They work 

If there were American cops with all the gear they love, it would have been a bloodbath

Here you have a situation where nobody got killed, and you're trying to convince me it would have been safer with a bunch of fat body pussies who can't wait to act out their killology training 

The second amendment exists to protect us from what the police do every day. State violence against the citizenry with no repercussions.