More likely multible inventories that isn't treated in systems as one, or webshop settings, always in stock means you can sell more, even you don't have the goods currently. Stealing in a warehouse is extremely difficult as everything is computerized and have surveillance. I work in one.

They might had in stock when you ordered, but others have placed orders before you. I work in warehouse, backlogs happens. The more sinister version of it, they set inventory to set number on their website, so it looks like they have the goods(it is extremely infuriating on the warehouse end, you count stock and next day the system have reset it, or the customer manually set stock of something).

Even They say cheese,the colour, consistency and tiny speckles tells me it is Mornay sauce.

Mølleåens Udspring

Dem med glas er typisk noget større og typisk ved stationer, eller større buslinjer. Jeg ser typisk den med permoret metalskærm erstatte ældre buskur(ikke af glas, men træ og/eller perforet metal)busstopsteder, folk brugte til pisse, skifte tøj, knalde, grafitti, sætte ild til, overfalde og overnatte udover vente på bussen fordi det var velafskærmet og privat, eller steder der ikke var busskur før. Med det gamle kunne chafføren heller se folk der ventede på bussen, men de var fantastisk til regn, sne og stormvejr. De nye er 75% mindre og absolut lort fordi det ikke beskytter mod vejr og vind, plus der kan sidde måske 3 personer der kender hinanden godt på bænken(de gamle kunne rumme ret meget), selvom jeg ikke savner sod, ølflaskerne og pislugten. De nye er bare designet til hjemløse ikke kan sove der og ikke beskytte pendlere heller(måske mod overfald).

Romancesvindel. Og hvis ikike vill jeg stadig løbe skrigende bort, fordi det betyder den her person vil aldrig have råd til salt til et æg.

The British press is pretty brutal, especially the tabloid. If you are midleft, you are evil commie, and if midright, you are clearly an ofshot of Hitler. It was Briotish Press that hunted Princess Diana literally until her death in the tunnel. They are that unhinged.

I woul say it is more a thing of the past, but UK is a lot more traditional in that regard.

I think Som,ething like Lego movie, truthful enough, but more suited for a movie.

Except they get the advice even it is a wip, or asking about colours.

Not grewat, but I can see how it could be a natural evolution of Simon.

I think it is a window. not a half wall.

Look Op, it might look cute, but it isn't.

Dressage is the literally the opposite of how your dog walk, it is about keeping body parts together in harmony in the ride. Your dog lose right hip in his gait, that is not normal for dogs, or any other four legged animal, unless they are slipping. he is slipping a bit on the mill, but not enough to tumble over and fall, but ihe can be still injured by it. if this was a dressage compensation, you would losing points. A regular treadmill aren't made for dogs or cats(they exist, but looks quite different, they usually get filled with water). That can he just have a bad gait(or being on a threadmill), but it can something more serious, like a injury, early stage arthritis or hip dysplasia. If your dog walk like this of the threadmill, I would recommend see a vet.

Well, that is easy fix. Everything gonnna be 3mm. That works for a human, not a dog.

I bought ink and a pen case. No pens this year though. I got two pens from secret Santa, and bought 2-3 myself last year. i have plenty of pens(by my definition, by sub standards). I have 2 nibs, I want to get in better pens, as one body is chipping the paint and the other is made of garbagium, but I am not smart enough for that. And they are fully functional, so there is no rush to find a nice new body tomorrow.

I don't really hold no-buy, as I normally don't go on crazy buying sprees in regards to fountain pens and inks. I gone a bit wild with inks, more I haven't found something I like.

She need the winnie the pooh treatment. Wait until she can be pushed or swim herself out. Then don't put the decor into the tank again.

Not all people can smell musk(that they use in musk perfume or syntetic equal). My siblings can't, but I can. Super price perfume ingredient, I don't get it, as it smell pugent.

That or the musk deer(it is pretty ugly).

I think it is bait for the theif.

Looks like it is knitted flat, everything is panels except the neckline that is int the round, and done after everthing else is sewn together.

1 back panel(pink/purple stripes with black ribbing)(*that might continue to the front purple part)

1 lower front(black with red ribbing)

*(front top solid purple)(there is a seam between the purple and black)

2 side panels(one blue/pink stripe with with white rib, one black/white with yellow ribbing)

2 under sleeve panels(same colour as side panels, it is not one panel as other have sugested, it bulk up and there is a visible seam on the blue underarm)

2 Oversleeve panels(blue double stripe on yellow with pink rib, pink/red breton stribes with blue rib)

I was going suggest buying ink over new pens, then I saw image.

I like your sailor pencase(I have the same model).


More a wild coindence, but I bought Dark Loilac, after everyone was outraged by it, just see the fuzz about it. It is a lovely aubergine colour with green sheen, same purple-green as my Pelikan Twist.