secondly, Chinese people only speak Chinese to other Chinese people/people who understand, Chinese people usually don't speak Chinese to non-Chinese people.

The reason is because Hope County is located very far from the city center/population center, usually ethnic Chinese people only live in the city center.

that's the conclusion

Soon, those who live in these settlements will no longer be able to speak Tibetan. Remember, nothing is free in this world.

it is not anti-colonial but separatist

colony = territory belonging to another country without political representation in the assembly/senate.

separatist = has political representation in the assembly/senate, but chooses to want independence.

What jobs do Han people do in Tibet?

we exclude those who are subsidized by the government, for example soldiers, police, government officials, people who work in state-owned companies

get rid of the clan system, then get rid of absolute monarchy.

Yemen is fertile by Arab standards, most of the Jews who have lived on the Arabian peninsula live in Yemen, it should be emphasized that the majority of Jews have always lived in fertile areas. The Jews you mean are Khaibar Jews, they live in oases just like other Arabs. It should be emphasized that the resources in oases are very limited which causes the population to be limited.

Khaibar Jews are one example of why some parts of tribes/nations disappeared from historical records, such as the Celtic people who once inhabited parts of Anatolia disappeared because they were swallowed by the sea of ​​other nations.

only a small part.

but more than 95 percent of Arabs are Arabs, you should know that in Arabia, there are no permanent rivers, Arabs rely on oases.

whereas jews historically lived in areas that were fertile (by middle eastern standards) and had permanent rivers/lakes.

After the Jews were expelled and before the founding of the State of Israel, most of the Jews lived in fertile areas near rivers/receiving sufficient rain (areas now called Iraq, Algeria, Morocco, Spain, Syria, Europe)

In conclusion, only a small number of Jews live on the Arabian Peninsula, so small that their numbers and existence are easily ignored.

I don't understand why the EFF party is still allowed to roam? The eff is basically a black supremacist party, the eff is one of the reasons why there are people in the Cape province who want independence, the eff is also the reason why there are specifically white African people who founded the city of Orania.

What kind of work do Han people living in East Turkestan (Xinjiang) do?

exclude Han people who live in Xinjiang with government subsidies (soldiers, police, government workers and their families)

this is what happens when you live in America+very religious, you will be drugged by judeo-christian thinking, these people think they have the right to live in a place if the dna test results show that place, just like israeli thinking

Of course not, even when the Ottoman Caliphate was still alive, there were many Muslim countries that de facto and dejure had little to do with the Ottomans, in fact some were at war with each other.

it wasn't a coup, tokayev was the second leader of kazakhstan, the first was so pro russian/soviet that kazakhstan became the last member of the ssr to leave the soviet union.

More than 95 percent of Hamas fighters are just ordinary people armed with light weapons, basically Hamas has almost no valuable targets except rockets.

Air strikes are usually accompanied by aerial footage, what Israel is doing is basically terrorizing the Gaza Palestinians to go to Egypt by force.

Israel has been doing this since 1948, it's in the Israeli army's secret handbook which you won't find a translation or PDF copy of on the internet, btw Russia also carried out these terror attacks on Ukraine's population centers.

because they don't care, even nearby countries like Kazakhstan don't have any power, for example when there was a large demonstration in Kazakhstan in 2022, the Kazakh government at that time actually hired Russian troops to "deal with" the demonstration, in that case it was clear that Kazakhstan does not have the power to handle domestic affairs, let alone matters related to foreign affairs.

most liberals prefer the status quo, while most conservatives want more radical steps, such as the usa recognizing the golan heights as part of israel when trump sits in office, even in 2020, netanyahu wants to speed up the annexation of the west bank before trump might be defeated in the presidential election 2020.

it's an artillery shell, artillery shells are never accurate and are deliberately designed to destroy area targets.

They target liberal-leaning netizens, liberal people are usually anti-conservative, whereas we know that most of Israel's supporters are generally conservative.

Why are the white Afrikaneer people more preferred to be related to Europeans than African black people?

Why are Chinese people overseas prefer to make mini China (Chinatown) around the world?

Why does USA have a special relationship with the United Kingdom rather than Mexico?

Why is there still a black school (defacto) in America?

Answer the question above and you will get the same answer as you ask

ethnic minority areas but still the original majority such as Tibet must definitely be independent,

for the Uyghur case it is very difficult except to separate the Uyghur majority areas from the Han majority areas, approximately the Xianjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region will be divided approximately in half, the northern half will still belong to China because of the Han majority, the southern half will become an independent country, but in the case of Uyghur independence , Uyghur people must be active in fighting for their independence.

It is estimated that China will lose 2 million km2 of land (1.2 million km2 in the Tibetan region and 800 thousand km2 in the Uyghur region), 9.6 million km2 -2 million km2 = 7.6 million km2.

Even with the loss of that much land, China was not affected much because China still had fertile areas whose population was loyal to the central government (the absolute majority of Han).

but there is a clear difference between the collapse of the soviet and the scenario of who knows when China will collapse, China has studied the collapse of the soviet and has come to the clear conclusion of not granting any autonomy to ethnic minority governments (including ethnic Hui Muslims who are traditionally loyal to the central government), so when You heard that China also has some kind of ethnic minority autonomous regions, don't believe it because it's just a name.

Also even with the scenario of the CCP collapsing suddenly, there are a large number of Chinese soldiers and police deployed in Tibetan and Uyghur areas with a ratio of 1/10 of the native population, that's a huge number.

Don't talk about the US military base in China or creating a mini country like Macau or Shanghai, that will only make ordinary Chinese citizens feel like underdogs, the Chinese also have the right to become a superpower or regional power based on their past even though they are currently led by the CCP.

Tibetan independence (with territory based on the Tibetan Autonomous Region) and Uyghur independence (by dividing the Uyghur Autonomous Region) are the most possible and reasonable scenarios.

Mongolian and Manchu ethnic groups cannot create their own country or carry out unification with Mongolia because Mongolia itself is a neutral country (cannot take actions such as adding territories that might cause conflict, in this case the Inner Mongolia region)