I’m saying it’s not sweaty, and it’s 3 innings but all preference

It’s not that bad, I finished it in less than 3 hours

Once you get used to pace of that move onto ranked and finally BR if you want to pull your hair out 😂

Events is a great way to ween into online

Everyone needs to just play the game and zip it. It’s beyond annoying now

Well the sweet lou program gives you 80k xp

Yes it matters if you want to get outs 😂

If you look on the app all your card will be there

I just put up 21 hits on HOF and lost so yeah maybe you’re onto something 😂

That bubble between all star and HOF (600’s) is annoying, maybe an new difficulty for the in between

Everyone is hittable on all star 😂 try it out on HOF and legend brother

Bought all 6 and 2 packs, should be a solid investment

It’s 15 but 60 for the weekend then back to 15

I typically don’t turn it off but yes you can if you want too, I find poor connections are between ps5 playing Xbox or visevera

You don’t have to pay, paying is your choice. And paying for stuff in the store allows for several upgrades and others shit you don’t see in the day to day of running a huge game such as the show

Dude, there is still over 120 free cards. The best cards should be in packs, give your head a shake

Yeah so many god damn cry babies want everything for free