It’s an imperfect system. I think the jurors knew he was guilty, but couldn’t convict. The evidence just wasn’t as strong with Ruben. It took 27 years to get Paul. Strong cases don’t take that long, and Ruben was just an accessory, with less evidence against him. I’m trying to recall specifics of the testimony and case. I think it boiled down to the state not being able to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Ruben helped Paul move the body the next morning. Have the jurors talked about the case to journalists? I don’t want to put words in their mouth, but I’m not sure they were sold on the “body under the deck” evidence, all the way. Remember, they didn’t have access to all the info.

I was thinking the same goddamn thing. I don’t think a “private bank” will be legal. It certainly won’t be able to compete, because it’s status as “private” means it doesn’t comply with federal regulations. Therefore, this bank can’t do business with any other banks. That’s not good in the banking industry. You are always shifting money around, trying to get more interest, and pay less interest.

Right wingers learned from Trump that they don’t always have to pretend to respect military veterans. They can turn it on, and off, depending on Trump’s mood. I never heard one conservative do anything but praise McCain, until he got on the bad side of Trump. Suddenly, it was ok to hate POWs, because they were captured. When Trump said that, it should have ended his political career. Back in the good ole days, as conservatives call them, it would have ended Trump’s career.

You are right, I missed that major detail. Will fix.

Well, Trump’s kids all got Cush do-nothing jobs at the WhiteHouse, paid for by us taxpayers. So, we’d have more right to be pissed about a junkie with good federal jobs, paid for by us, the taxpayers.

By the way, I don’t see a mention of Dr. Ronnie “FeelGood”, the WhiteHouse doctor, in Trump’s administration. Why, what did he do?

He dispensed narcotics to Trump’s band of criminals. He prescribed tons of Adderall, some benzos for the come down, and a few opiates. Ronnie knew the opiates were a bad look, and kept those down, in comparison. The amount prescribed could not be justified as legitimate use by anyone.

No, we can’t. Most mainstream media won’t allow this. The good media companies won’t allow it out of principal. The not-so-good media companies won’t allow it for being a legal liability, that could cost them money.

The worst media companies, run by right wing dirtbags, would consider running the ad, depending on how much you’ll pay. Then, they’ll call Trump’s people, and see if they want to run a counter ad, or to pay and have “it killed”, like the National Enquirer did with stories that were “inconvenient” for Trump ‘s marriage.

In Trump’s trial, we learned what Trump really meant by Fake news. He was instrumental in creating fake news.

Yeah, for once, I stand by the far-right. Don’t disappoint me, and make “resigning”an empty promise, like a girl would. Be a man! Be a STRONGMAN and quit your job like a real STRONGMAN would! Show them what you are made of!

What’s wrong with a “triple threat match”?

Damn traditionalists and their “fair fighting, 1 vs 1”.

Real men aren’t afraid to get help when kicking the crap out of someone. 2 or 3 people beating on 1 person is for real men, MAGA style.

Is it a “My Pillow” you are crying on?

I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I’ll go back to spectating.

Yet, this is but a small sample of everyday American life, where racism is a myth, according to MAGA conservatives. There wasn’t much sympathy from Traditional republicans, either, but I’d still take them over MAGAS, in a heartbeat.

“We will win this war!”, says the delusional MAGA, before returning to her knitting, while watching “the war” on Fox News, from her comfortable rocking chair.

I hope someone listened, and sent her some suggestions on “where she should go”.

Trump no longer uses spray tan. It doesn’t give you the coverage that orange spray paint does. Plus, spray paint is cheaper, gets you a short high, or head rush, when sprayed directly in the face, and it helps cover up the smell of “those little untimely accidents in court, when you are too lazy to go to the bathroom”.

We call that a triple Win, in MAGALAND.

Edit: When I said ,” ‘we’ call that a triple win”, I didn’t mean “me” was included in “we”.

I’m sure this is just a “ceremonial” law, and they are just being “sarcastic”.

That’s the case if this was real. One of those folks who mess with Trumpers at rallies should tell MAGAS that Trump wants to make this the law of the land, no exceptions. If a woman can’t have 3 white children by 22, she is jailed until giving birth to the third child. If she gives birth to an “impure” child(bi-racial), she will be be forced to have 5 children, before the age of 24.

As far as access to men, who would be needed to impregnate them in jail, Trump said, “That’s why they have male prison guards in female prisons”.

It would be hilarious watching them try to justify this. I don’t mind lying about Trump’s lies. He does it every day, at least 100 times.

It’s not about the land. It’s about the resources. Computer chips is the resource. I think the best thing we can do, is move the manufacturing industry of Taiwan somewhere safer. It still belongs to Taiwan, it’s just relocated. Then, see if China cares enough to invade.

Why do I always miss these? Every time it starts, I come up with a clever one, only to see that someone already stole it from me, and posted it.

Damn it to hell, I want to be the funny also.

Well, if the person is unhinged…..

I don’t know the details of this story, or anything about the journalist. However, the person credited with writing this piece is a guy named “Alex Hammer”, which is obviously a stage name. “Hammer”; Is he suppose to be a journalist, or a pro-wrestler? It doesn’t help that “Hammer” writes for the “Daily Mail, which is not known for honest reporting.

And finally, look at the details of the alleged incident. This supermodel supposedly ran out screaming “the ELITES are eating…..blah blah”.

Who talks like that, using words like “the elite” especially when panicking? Imagine If this person was a drug dealer.

“Hello elite sir, would you care to purchase some crack, that I made from a wonderful Venezuelan crop of cocoa leaves, which I then turned into highly illegal cocaine, before cooking it up, and making this highly addictive, and very illegal, crack?”

No kidding. If you would have told me in 2016, that I’d still be talking about MAGA in 2024, I would have either:

A. Considered suicide, but not very seriously.

B. Figured out a way to profit off it. Then, I could do more good with the cash. I wouldn’t create any original, or compelling talking points for MAGA. I would just modify already existing bullshit, add some of my clever cartoony art to it, increase the price by 100%, and make some cash off those losers.

We create some wonderful technology here in the USA. I don’t believe there is anything that makes us superior in terms of biological considerations. It’s just money. Money is critical if you want to do anything positive, in our global capitalist system. Trump allegedly hates globalism, but he buys cheap Chinese steal, and him and his daughter have patents in China. Trump’s kids admitted they make very little money in the USA, in 2010. They made money from Russia and China. These videos are still on YouTube.

So, don’t take anything from Trump seriously. If the people found out Trump signed some billion dollar deal in China, Russia or even North Korea, he would do a 180, and say globalism is great, as long as Trump gets to make all the rules.

Trump holds no position, or opinion, that can’t be purchased.

They understand the lag. They will use the lag if it helps them. They will ridicule the lag if it hurts them.

Trump doesn’t have opinions on any issues, until he sees how the issue can benefit himself.

I think she blew any chance of possibly winning after endorsing Trump. That made her just like Cruz, Lindsey Graham and others who were once insulted harshly by Trump, and returned the insults in kind, until Trump won. These Republicans might have a lot of money, but they have no self esteem, or dignity.

Is “New College” the actual name? I guess creativity isn’t going to be a priority at “New College”. It’s probably a bunch of religion classes(New right wing Jesus for New College) and a class called “New Economics”, which teaches students, “How to sell trickle down economics to gullible voters”.

At the end of the day, right wingers are people who never grew up. Mentally, most are between 11-15 years old. Some don’t reach the intellectual level of an average 11 year old. There is a ton of mental illness over there, as well.