You’re clueless dude. Mara salvatrucha came from El Salvador by salvadoranians, and lots of Guatemalan presence too. I’m actually from there, cartel has nothing to do with it. Ms13 gets killed when they cross the border into Mexico, by the actual cartels

Dude there’s plenty of M rated games no ones heard of. It’s not all Mario’s and GTAs. Most soeedrun games played are ones that 95% of people have never heard of

What techno songs or drops has he done? Hardcore is plenty, house is his latest with John summit but idk any techno

I dont disagree it is WAY too low but, If it was the same as murder then it incentivizes rapists to just murder their victim to gte rid of witnesses

Yea you can sync 2 things across quantum entangled atoms but that’s kind of like having 2 clocks that are in sync and putting them a far distance away.

If you change the spin of one of the particles after that, the other one doesn’t change, they’re just out of sync now. There’s no way to communicate faster than light. It’s really simple to find online just google “can quantum entanglement communicate faster than light?”

Dude this looks EXTREMELY Colorado to me

No? This looks like every ski town in Colorado

Most garbage clickbait title, most every succesful game has this happen

I get it and I hate generic tech house too and he has some of it, best port top 40 type, but he has some legit creative tech tracks. I’m not claiming they’re deep cuts but there are so many worse offenders in the genre, I think the hate he gets is disproportionate for his productions just because of his djing.

The sanctions came after many of the economic problems. It magnified them but it would’ve happened anyway

Who’s gonna find this guys game that will get 30 sales, compare it to another indie game and then care to post about it to ruin his nonexistent reputation? Haha. I don’t get it

That first song could be a mark knight song lol. Even if you think it’s generic it’s far from terrible

People on reddit love to think they know how the world works cause they read someone else in a comment thread confidently state how they think it works