Test Match Special on the BBC is the best for meandering into random topics, but it's been part and parcel of the radio commentary for decades so presenters meander quite naturally which is usually quite entertaining. The only one I disliked, and thankfully he's gone now, was Geoff Boycott. He is the stereotype of a Yorkshireman, but lacks the charm. Though that's because he is a complete arse.

In a lot of other sports commentary, the commentators rarely seem to have that sort naturalness about them, likely due to a lack of experience commentating for several hours. TMS pulls it off because you can have five days of talking. Plus they rotate the commentators every half hour or so.

I watched the women's tour of Britain on Youtube and it was reasonable commentary. One was an ex-pro so provided some useful knowledge and insights. However if I find sports commentary boring, I simply turn the volume down or mute it and put some background music on.

The problem isn't so much the leg press, it's the way people perform the exercise. Much like barbell squats, way too many don't use full range of motion instead doing half reps with too heavy a weight. People need to focus on their form rather than flexing patrial reps.

Sorry for being indelicate but I've never seen a bottom that looks like that. I imagine it's not taking a wild guess to say it's unnatural/padded/photoshopped or something.

Watched the BBC documentary on Murray this afternoon. There's a clip of Pat Cash saying something very similar about Andy in his early Wimbledon appearance.

I think that may have been Judy being sarcastic toward Marcus Buckland. Judy's been around tennis a long time, she knows what players go through and how little strains can throw them off their game.

Can't be 100% sure but I think Judy Murray may be having a little dig at Marcus Buckland. I'd also say it's likely Andy encouraged Raducanu to focus on her singles match.

For reference, Andy defended Raducanu a couple of years back after Piers Morgan had a dig at her: https://news.sky.com/story/andy-murray-hits-back-at-piers-morgans-very-harsh-take-on-british-tennis-star-emma-raducanu-12350136

Quite likely. Andy's always been someone to speak out. He criticised Piers Morgan a couple of years back when PM had a dig at Emma Raducanu.

Plus 25 James Bond movies. Another Indiana Jones movie. The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe..... it just goes on and on, but people want to see them.

Realistically, won't they all be variations on similar themes throughout fiction?

I don't. Mainly because for me it takes the enjoyment out of riding. Another part is that most of these commercial devices have a margin of error which I've read makes them really poor for monitoring your vitals and subsequently making training judgements/decisions based on the data.

I find it funny when people try to compare the present to the past. It's apples and oranges, 2024 is different to 2004 which was different to 1984 which was different to 1964 and so on. Trying to compare one decade with another is a fools errand.

Poor proof reading by the Telegraph. Not much of a guess to say it's meant to be 6.4cm

Larry deserves a Purrage for his years of service in the job of Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office, and for his public service greeting guests to the house, inspecting security defences and testing antique furniture for napping quality.

Larry certainly isn't a member of the elite, he's a commoner like most of us.

Did you not hear about the intimidation and harassment used during the campaigning?

By all means stand passionately for a cause you believe in, make your voice heard, but when you subject others to such bullying behaviour you lose your right to be respected and considered civil.

Yep, and don't forget Reform is simply a rebranded Brexit Party. Four of Reforms elected are in areas which had 70% in favour of Leave in the referendum. I'm not sure about the 5th, South Basildon and East Thurrock, but I'm guessing it's pretty high. Though they're now more focussed on immigration and ending "wokeness".