At least it's not drugs

We aren't getting enough of them especially modern 00s onwards era haha though it's good for my wallet as this year has calmed down for my taste in purchases

:viltrumite: The Viltrumites

He did fight to kill what you're actually saying is weakened Thragg would have lost to healthy and weapon equipped Battle Beast that's not remotely the same thing

I'm some ways I agree but the stuff I see daily now responding yo makes it seem like it's rising again especially knife crimes and general cuntery but it probably also doesn't help there's less numbers and ways of dealing with it all

That's how I see it as well, when I spent a short period down London those guys didn't fuck around lol everything was always some aggressive technique it was great tbh but they also get better kit etc

Which doesn't make you innocent of anything if you're still using deadly force with a car or under Intel of being involved in multiple shootings and other gang activities and possession of firearms

I wouldn't jump the gun on the innocent man rhetoric he's a known gang member involved in firearms incidents and reports of the time had him fleeing ARVs and trying to run officers over, the IOPC etc all keep passing it around one another because of the optics surrounding it and threat of riots at the time

GvK or Skull Island both from personally and a general standpoint

There's only one reliant way to win against a bladed weapon as an officer but that's a topic that will rage forever in the UK no doubt

Also ignoring the amount of times the UK helped Ireland out of debt I'd assume?

The guys agenda is clear on these topics all the time there's a few that tend to pop up on these threads and if they had there way we'd have the streets filled with community workers disguised as police being chased around by whatever flavour of crook decides to take a swing

There's not many these days with the cases going on as well though and that's with dwindling numbers in all forces already but the government continues to let it fall apart

Another video that just makes me worried for the next big one that happens in the UK we're so under equipped for most violent attacks but people always think otherwise

Definitely agree on the BWV though that's apparently changing soon but genuinely that's were it stops lol.

The majority of big jobs PolScot are there and finished before BTP even arrive and most of CID get passed over as well. It's tiny and falling apart atm its tacked on from PolScot and the English BTP forces it feels devoid of both.

Definitely take time before making a decision then mate that last past is the reason most are moving the opposite way you will do hardly any of that the edinburgh guys are even more quiet than most my mates had like 3 jobs within the past two months lol and most of the time it's dealing with time wasters at the station or taking wild kids back home after midnight it's nonsense tbh.

The UK needs to get it's act together regarding policing in general. Better policies and better uniforms outside of London and some other spots please lol.

Aye I don't doubt it mate I think policing as a whole in the UK is due some big changes for better or worst they need to decide if we're a new community health service with hi-vis or return us to being a proper uniformed police force for modern times.

I think there's gonna be good and bad on both ends but I'll say if nonsense jobs are weighing you down don't go to BTP unless you move to Manchester or London etc it's almost entirely nonsense jobs or taxi servicing people around 24/7.

You're gonna have to make sure you have a lot of reasons if you're doing that lol everything's very micromanaged, you will get time to wander around but it'll be tricky to justify certain things definitely more hands off than you'll be used to imo.

Waverley will give you plenty of downtime a good mate of mine is likely looking to transfer the opposite way as he's fed up of it.

Guess none of us are ever happy with policing these days lol.

There only really is OSU or CID. The downtime helps with paperwork albeit you do more paperwork with less jobs due to the way niche works.

I guess it depends on what you consider pro active and what city/town you're in you'll either be stationed at a big station or driving to depots here and there with the odd mobile unit deployed.

Definitely wouldn't move to D-Div if you're expecting lots of proactive gucci jobs its so far to the opposite end, the PSU side might excite you more for the odd down south job though like you said

At least it's not drugs

Don't ever make your mind up on anything with this sub lol everyone's different the only things you'd ever read on here is gotham central or planetary

GRRM mostly does these blogs to cover the fact he can't finish his own book series and actually keeps giving all his ideas away for "people to make their own" TV series of it lol

Ironically there's a lot of UK cops wanting guns and trending that way it's insane the situations we get put into with nothing but spray and a calm voice, I definitely agree shoot first ask wiestions later isn't the way to go but don't get it twisted like most officers over here like things the way they are atm the lethal weapon tier crime feels very much on the rise day to day

Never fails to amuse me how many on reddit assume the UK as a whole has the same opinions as them, im not really all the way agreed on either side of this debate but always interesting seeing everything be blamed on certain age groups or beliefs

Do your friends think they have way less idiots and scumbags who are young ?