akala ko hindi siya marunong sa ganun kasi he's older than me (30M)


We're looking to buy into it as well. Much of the internet responses are a bit date, despite some reflecting valid issues. When we scouted the place, it's not paradise, it ain't hell on earth either. It's sensible, and with our needs and what we expect from ourselves, I believe we could make it work.

I've heard positive things from the Essex heart centre, something that in my trade, a good place to work at.

It's an expensive lesson. You'll earn enough to pay it all anyways, so just focus on that and seek help.

It's the internet. No one cares and no one knows except you.

As a sidebar, there was a British lady on the BBC that kept saying Griezmann as 'Gree-Ehzz-man' and it was annoying af.

Idk why you're getting downvoted but this is a sensible thing to do. Lol.

Shut down account. Out of sight, out of mind.

they won't replace the brp but borderforce from paris let us pass at that time.

I don't mind paying extra, I can afford it. What I don't like is getting extorted and taken advantage of.

Only option I see is to earn enough bread for the both of you. Otherwise, let her have a go at success.

Leverage. Starting shit depends on how much leverage you have. Consider what you ought to win and what you risk to lose.

As always, side with integrity. If you're in the right, you need to stand your ground if things go against your principles.

It sounds like Wrighty is the counterpart. But the girl doing the match is more distracting everytime Griezman touches the ball.

Gree Ye zz Man. That's how she talks. Every damn touch.

The female commentator on BBC enunciating all of the French syllables is annoying.

Soz, technology doing it's part. lol.

Stormzy putting out bangers late in the game