Wonder if thats why they simped hardcore for ESO.

Diffrent Hayden is a good actor when given the shot and better dialogue, Life is a House and especially Shattered Glass he was absolutely fantastic in, there just not huge things like Star Wars. Thing is the eng VA is just really bad and immature in the worst way. I mean compare it to the other languages and it's eclipsed 8 times over. It was a such a horrible choice to give a character no one likes and then give them that voice.


No Bruce Lee was not arrogant is well documented that Bruce Lee was very humble and he did say thst in a boxing match Ali would win simple due the diffrent in the size of their hands. Taratino is a idiot about this for whatever reason. Tarstino seems to have some unfiltered hatred for Bruce Lee because the book treats him worse. Also the noise Bruce makes the never made those while fighting, he dubbed those on later so ues Taratino is a idiot. He intense hatred does make me think Taratinon has something against asians.

Same can be said about you.

They should have used more VA than ever before to make this fucking bearable

That's not fair. The witcher is bad because everyone but Henry hated the lore the books the gsmes and openingly.mocked them.

You didn't finish stormblood therefore you are not even dawntrail making your opion pretty invalid also you seem insanely mad. Unless you story skipped which if you did makes Zenos Asahi and tsukiyomi all nothing to.you. if you hate stormblood why isn't it okay for these people to hate dawntrail

Twilight has nothing to do with why I loathe her as a actress.

Dunno the issues I loveed Stormblood. Havn't played DT yet

Improved lighting in the only diffrence I can see. But hey if it makes you happy đź‘Ť

That was the closest deisgn to a Wendigo I have ever seen.

My eyes are perfect this is just ugly as fuck.

I mean physcologically forcing someone for (Sleepaway camp) a boy to be a girl with tons of abuse would cause some massively bad issues but becoming a murderer is a bit of a stretch

I mean this is not the reddit for it and I can seemingly tell how you lean easily but being forced into transgenderism is a issue but even so I don't believe it would lead them to murder. Norman Bates and if you wanna count the t.v. show as canon was shown to just be kind of slipping into personality disorder andand phycosis from the start. but you gotta also most of these movies were made in the from thes 80s and back.

Other than that don't worry about what conversavtives or progressives say, I wouldn't trust either really, also I love Sleepaway Camp and Frankenhooker I thought the ending was great. I don't know if laugh at it is what you're suppose to take from Frankenhooker when I watched it with some friends laughing wasn't our first response to the ending. That movie is crazy.

The end to sleepaway camp still haunts me.


I don't know if Sleepaway camp or physcho is fair. The boy was forced into being a girl by a abusive family member. Pyscho Norman Bates doesnt count imo since it's his split personality taking the form of his mother not he himself. Can't fault you on the others though.

It kills the secondary MC not the main one

When making From Dusk til Dawn Tarantino had to change the color of the vampire blood. He said the FCC don't hate blood they hate the color red.

They often forget oxygen when exposed to the air blood becomes darker the.longer it's exposed

I think he's ugly and far from pretty since dissidia. I prefer the original River Phoenix squall not this monstrosity

God that was so dumb since the actress has passed on they had to recast her and I don't think it was Sarah Connor but more the fact Laurie Strode in Halloween that made them do it but that was dumb as fuck that girl is fucking horrified as she escapes she's not been waiting for Leatherface to show back up.

I think you kind of get enough of that with them all dealing with the fact they are probably going to die. I do see your point it works sometimes in movies like Alien and Aliens and in Leviathan we spend quite a time with them before things go wrong, however here its a realtively short movie and not on quite the levels of those.

Starting the movie so quick imo helps it not overstay its welcome. If the payoff was diffrent I would have been ok with a build up but seeing as it is what it is I think it was the right choice.

I love this I said this game was medicore and stuck in the past and everyone loved to hate me for it a few months and everyones rose tinted nostalgia glasses have fallen off.