Honestly it didn’t matter to me that much but I admit it absolutely did when I was 20. I was also an idiot then. If you’re looking for women who want serious relationships leading to marriage, focus on those women who are starting to look at the things you have to offer. Are you good with kids? A supportive cheerleader to a high performing woman? Are you faithful and loyal? Have a good credit score? Market yourself to the right crowd. If you want some Onlyfans model then yeah, expect gold digging and superficiality. If you’re down to marry a nice respectable accountant, spend time targeting those girls who would be MORE than happy to find a guy who is strong enough in himself not to be intimidated because she’s smart.

I think men trip themselves up on these rules a lot more than women do. I keep hearing men say they can’t get a woman unless they make way more money than the woman. Fact: 42% of marriages have a wife who makes as much or more than their husband. That means a huge portion of women are not looking for that at all.

If I’m being honest as a tall and high earning female, the men had a lot more issue with my height and income. I was cool with shorter and someone who made less income, but they were too wrapped up in their notions of masculinity to handle the difference. I’m not alone on this, we really aren’t that complicated. Can you cook? Do you clean your butt and clean up after yourself? The basics are easy, just match as close as you can to what the girl offers, treat her with respect and equality and you’ll be fine.

I don’t see any relationship with a woman having a career and broken families. College educated women are the most likely to be married of any demographic.

If you focus on building skills and education and career growth in your twenties, you’ll do better than those who don’t try. Even if you don’t end up making 300k a year, you’ll do better than the person who made no effort at all.

Even he isn’t focusing on breeding with supermodels. Grimes ain’t exactly hot but he clearly finds her brilliant. He just had his third kid with a Yale educated and highly successful venture capitalist and the director of operations of one of his companies. She’s not ugly but she is no swimsuit model.

When he was younger his wives and girlfriends were hotter but he’s clearly got a different focus now.

Yeah cuz if you can’t trust someone why would you tell them anything? Again, do what you want but if you’re spending a lot of time with low value people, you will get judged for it. They’ll either think you are desperate for friends or one of them. There’s no other value they can offer but companionship because even as you’ve seen, they can’t be trusted.

The salaries and acceptance rate for elite colleges are wildly different than for any given random school. Sorry. An English major at Kansas State will graduate with an average of 24k a year. It’s 48k from Yale. It’s literally double the salary and that’s just the first year - at the ten and 15 year mark, it’s a wild difference.

Many of the top firms in consulting and banking will not even look at you if you didn’t go to one of these schools. Just to get in, you’re in the top 1-2% of grades and scores in the country.

Mark Z met his wife in 2003. Facebook didn’t come out until 2004. They were both equals when they met. Bezos’ wife helped him build Amazon, heck the name was her idea. Equals when they met. The NVIDIA CEO married over 30 years ago long before he had any wealth. Both were engineers, both chip makers. Equals when they met. Gates and his wife divorced, and he’s now dating a woman worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Did he pick some 20 year old who could be an Only Fans model? Of course not, she is in her 60s, just like him.

Smart, highly successful men who are on their way up will marry women who are their intellectual equals. But even if they pair up after they are successful, they aim for women who are very smart, successful and respectable in their fields of work and are relatively close in age.

A man who is wise and wants to really build an empire picks a very wise and competent partner that he can trust and that he can leverage her intellect to help build his company. A dumb man who thinks with his penis will pick the hot chick to look cool in front of his friends. Attention and respect aren’t the same, guys.

I ask this question to candidates for jobs too. “Do you have any passions?” If they aren’t excited about something, anything, I can’t hire them. You’d be surprised at the volume of people who have no hobbies or intellectual interests.

I can quantify my career very easily, it’s sitting in my bank account.

How many people worked all their lives but didn’t have careers? There’s a big difference between a job and a career.

Too many women in my family and friend groups had no careers and tried to just be a wife and mom. They had to put up with miserable marriages if the marriages even lasted, which most did not. And then they ended up on welfare or living off of food pantries because they had to take care of the kids totally on their own after not having invested in a career and education. It just happens too often, so many women don’t to want to risk their financial future and independence.

I still married. I still had kids. But I would never be a stay at home mom. If it’s that important for someone to stay home my husband can do it.

Both Matt Damon and Britney Spears became successful because of their looks, not their brilliance.

No doubt there are dudes out there who end up with 5 wives, and each one is younger than the next. But most who have two brain cells to rub together want a wife who is a respectable person who can bring them a deep friendship and partnership in life. Even Einstein married a brilliant physicist and when she dumped him, his publications crashed by 80% and never recovered. Was it because he was depressed? Maybe. Could be that she was doing a lot of his work, too. My husband is constantly bouncing ideas off of me at home (and I with him) on things we can do at work. It’s such a force multiplier to marry someone who is smart and competent. It’s great if they are also good looking but we all get ugly eventually. May as well marry your best friend.

I mean you don’t think that’s true of women? We also find the 20 year old stud more attractive. You just don’t marry or partner with someone because they’re the best looking person you can land, not unless you’re very young and dumb.

That’s if you live in a state that does this. Not all do. A lawyer who specializes in Medicaid trusts is what’s needed here

It only matters if you respect their opinion. Lots of people had their opinions on my traditionally male career choice as a female or being a working mom. Didn’t care at 18 and don’t care now. I’d be much more concerned about a man whose masculinity is that fragile that he makes his choices based on what his bros will think instead of what works best for his family.

Oh geez. That’s a nightmare. They prey on first generation college kids who don’t know better.

I do well as a woman but I never had issues with men who made more (or less), minus one boyfriend who was Muslim and wanted me to quit my job if we married. He made a LOT but I wasn’t okay with giving up my career. He ended up marrying a woman who was very happy to stay home, but also is deeply bored with her and regularly cheats. I think men are happiest when they’ve met their match - someone who is as smart and doesn’t take their shit.

Probably a nanny even if she doesn’t work. Most of the SAHMs of very rich men are off playing tennis and lunching. Doing “philanthropy” or running some tax write off to keep them busy.

Sort of - smart, wealthy men mostly marry from the same social and educational class. Bezos married a Princeton grad, Zuckerberg married a Harvard trained doctor. Gates married a software engineer. The CEO of the richest company in the world, NVIDIA? Married an engineer who is a chip designer. None of these women look like models, not even close. Educational and class status was a minimal requirement, but I imagine they married someone they genuinely respected on every level.

Why does it matter to you how other people choose to live their lives? Wish people well, it’s not your business.