You are always on guard and somewhat on edge and aware that you're not safe. Design decisions like that are the ones that leave an impact on a players engagement with the world a dev is creating. If you can pause whenever you want I'd say a substantial amount of comfort is granted to the player.

This is just a dumb reason. Pausing doesn't remove the danger. Not being able to pause while surrounded or in a boss fight and someone's knocking on the door isn't "immersive" it's just frustrating. You are, by default, already on guard when playing the game unless you have everything memorized. A pause button doesn't just magically make anything inheritely easier. It doesn't kill any enemies, or dodge any attacks for you. It just removes the frustration of having to restart because you're forced to just eat whatever happens. And the whole reasoning is just, in all honesty, a cop-out excuse as to why they didn't just change it when they made the changes to online play.

:AD: Team Bread (dmg04) // accidentally nighthawked Oryx

Yeah no it's literally just "slightly different flavor of the same stuff you've been running for years now" tbh. Only difference is I can run Liars now instead of Cowl. But a lot of it is the exact same motions.

:AD: Team Bread (dmg04) // accidentally nighthawked Oryx

Iirc split overall is closer to being event, with a +/- 5% difference between the Titan and Hunter (above) and Warlock (below), though obviously it varies as balance goes on.

Alright, take it from someone who was there a few months ago. Things CAN change, but Insearched many different stores. Only 4 VF-1 Chogokins were found. 0 of the Arcadia or Yamato versions. And 1 Hi Metal R VF-1S.

Of those 4, 1 was a used VF-1A max. 2 were VF-1J Armored Valkyries at different stores. The other one I found was the clear strike parts VF-1S, but marked up to hell and back so no way was I getting that.

However, there were plenty VF-31s, VF-171s, VF-25s, and YF-29s. Mostly the new releases, but the VF-31s in a couple stores actually had earlier versions instead of just the Hayate VF-31ax.

Leda admitted to being charmed, saying something along the lines of "without being charmed, I'm quite distrustful if others" before trying to kill everyone lol.

The thing is, his rune doesn't ACTUALLY seem to be the source of his power. He discards the rune, and is still able to charm the player in the fight, so obviously it's not required to do so. Maybe he can't charm, say, Mohg without it, or it makes easier, which is why Leda and the others were no longer charmed afterwards. But it doesn't seem to be the only way he can charm someone.

Same here. It disabled overwatch and vtol but that's it

They keep making sniper flinch worse. Last major pass over was rough, but THIS one is bad

Imo as long as it's not visible (or at least is minimally so) from the front, I don't care. And even then, I'm fully willing to give a bunch of leeway if I still otherwise like the figure.

:AD: Team Bread (dmg04) // accidentally nighthawked Oryx

Wait the armor can drop? My monkey brain couldn't be assed to hold onto to tokens that long. Had to spin the slot machine every time lmao.

Man Messmer had me actually tweaking. Aside the sunflower I haven't had an "unfair" struggle with any other boss (mostly just fuck 3 phase part), but on Ranni's life I was ACTUALLY getting hit mid-dodge with some of his attack. And his stupid grab, I was like 5 feet on his opposite side and then I got visibly sucked into it like piercing to an MRI machine. Like I'll say "man that's bullshit I dodged that," but I'm just voicing frustration and know where I got caught.

But with Messmer I am dead serious, I did dodge half the bullshit that hit me. That dude had me actually raging.

Still got that snake fuck in the end though. Get bent. Yo momma don't love you. I'm gonna take that snake head I decapitated and use it as a koozie for my Estus flask.

Night Comet with dual staff of loss is an easy pick. Keep a different staff for other spells though.

Carial slicer is great for when things get close. Tougher enemies can be handled with an alternative Adula's Moonblade, which will keep most things flinched.

Rock Sling is good in case something is resistant to magic.

Comet is good as well as an alternatice to Night Comet if you don't have 2 Staff of Loss. It's not the most FP efficient of those spells, but I'd rather spend the extra FP and kill, than possible need a whole other cast for 10 health.

Remember that at 68 int and below, the Academy Glintstone Staff at +25 is the best staff in the game. If you are 69 and above, use the Carian Regal Scepter at +10. Lusat's staff will squeeze out more damage but the extra FP cost is not worth it tbh.

Malenia definitely doesn't give enough breathing room unless you're using a player summon. Her dodge AI is really good against the typical power-house spells, where you need to NOT have aggro on you to get anything to hit half the time. This is unless you're letting her get in your face and then casting in top of yourself.

Really the only "caster" build I've seen that works really well on her and can trivialize the fight isn't a caster build so much as "Mogh's spear+some lingering aoe spell"

Lmao I've been using Giants Hunt on a Heavy Greatsword and the entire fucking game is CAKE compared to when I was magic. The only exceptions are Mohg (and ONLY with comet Azur), and Maliketh (cheesing with Night comet dual loss staffs). I'm not applying any buffs, I literally just used Erdtree +2, Dragoncrest Greatshield, Bullgoat talisman, and Shard of Alexander. Absolutely CHEWING through bosses with minimal effort. I dumped a bunch into faith for some buffs and then didn't even really get to using them because I didn't need to.

"Magic is the easiest" my ass.

Yeah, the "cheese" magic is pretty much the same vein of putting 10 buffs on then hitting the boss with Lion's claw 3 or 4 times. Obviously when you absolutely optimize and are in ideal conditions, a boss will be melted. Most players are just gonna put on 1 or 2 and use normal, cool shit though.

Honestly, half of learning the timing of a bonk-build is unlearning a degree of self-preservation. Obviously don't completely ignore your health bar, but health is a resource. Your wind-ups can be pretty long, so you have to make the timing by smacking the fuck out of the enemy.

Iirc didn't greatswords get the 101+, do they both get this?

😭 I literally just decided on what weapon I wanted to put it on yesterday, Fromsoft you bastards

Damnit, I've been really looking forward to using new shit but it's all just getting absolutely dogwalked in overall performance by Heavy Greatsword with Giant Hunt

Do the Light Greatswords get the same hyperarmor as regular greatswords do when using Sovereignty?

Doing my run through her on normal NG a bit ago and I believe I 4 shot her with only a couple points over the requirement for Greatsword, heavy affinity, using Giant Hunt, but with no other buffs. I'd use the ash, it would throw her into the air, I'd let her stand back up, repeat.

Yeah. The exception being when they're summoned INSIDE the fog-gate, which iirc acts as a "check" to see how many players there are.

However, for whatever reason, that increase seems to be turned to 11 for the DLC. It feels like even 1 NPC will outright double a health pool.

At least 90% of "this melts bosses" builds start to not melt the boss as well in higher NG+ cycles. That's kinda what happens when you add like another 1/3 of a bosses base health onto it and increase their defenses.

Is the Bestial Sanctum waygate not tied to talking to D?