Can someone explain the difference in low end vs high end curling wands?Hair Care Products

Hi I have thin flat hair that I would like to style when I go out/ want to look nice.

I have been looking at large barrel curling wands to give my hair a bit of body.

I see prices range from very cheap to pretty expensive. It is very confusing to someone with no idea.

My questions:

  • Is there any difference in how these tools hold curl in the hair? Eg do some actually make the hair hold the curl longer?

  • What are the key features I should for?

  • Reasons that I shouldn't buy a cheap one?


Oh thanks there are some great options here.

I know the praise one and sadly it is too sweet for me :(

Thanks again I'm going to look into the others you mentioned though

That sounds amazing. I'll give it a try also dill yum! Thanks

Low calorie but tasty mayo style dressing? And cal per serve

I love a little dressing on my salad but hate the diet low fat fake tasting ones.

Any good recommendations?


Ah yes I know the type of look I want but more have trouble selecting colours that suit me.

Or maybe the sales person knows what they are doing can suggest colours I would never think to pick.

I don't want to spend on super high end products because I'm a tight ass. Paying $120 for a foundation would probably make we wrinkle my nose in a bad way. I'm good with anything below that I guess.

[product advice] I want to get a whole new make up look-no idea what I'm doing. Should I pay to get my makeup done in Mecca (or similar) then just buy everything they put on my face?Product Advice

No idea what I'm doing. No idea what looks good on me.

Should I book one of those sessions where they do your make up for you and then I can just buy the things I like?

Or can I just walk into a store and explain what I want? And ask them to show me and test the colours on my face?

I really want to see the make up on my face before I buy.

I feel like this is really good advice but I kind of need a printer for work on Monday.

You are forgiven. Thank you for sharing your knowledge too!

Thanks, this is great advice. But I do need colour for my art.

Help with an economical printer for home office and hobbyPurchasing

Hey good people of r/printers I would be very grateful for hints, tips, suggestions.

Thanks in advance!

What would you like to accomplish?

Looking for a work and hobby art printer.

Work-black and white printing of word documents. Probably not a huge amount.

Hobby art- printing beautiful colour images and scanning.

Are there any models you are currently looking at?


Minimum Requirements:

• Budget: sub $250

• Country: Australia

• Color or black and white: color

• Laser or ink printer: I think laser is out of my price range

• New or used: no preference

• Multi-function: Yes, need scanner too

• Duplex Printing: preferred but not deal breaker

• Home or business: Home

• Printing content: see above

• Printing frequency: work variable but lowish, hobby variable but medium

• Pages per minute : the faster the better but flexible on this

• Page size: A4 is fine

• Device printing from: laptop - phone would be great too

• Connection type: USB laptop + WiFi phone or via email

Any other details:

Would love to avoid high cost of ink cartriages (like everyone, ever).

Would like the wifi to be strong as I work far away from the router

Would be awesome if I could use different thickness of paper


Thanks... this too shall pass.

Thanks, I threw myself a pity party last night. It helps.

Thank you so much, this is so kind.


My trigger this time was meeting someone new....

Thanks for that-I will keep that in mind again.

Can I keep depression at bay after hypomania?

It appears I'm coming off a month of elevated mood. I feel sad my hypomania is gone... but I'm not in depression and I would like to keep it that way.

Other than meds, sleep, exercise, diet etc etc... any other tips?

Thanks x