Hear hear! I hate the taste of any creature from the water. It might not always make me want to throw up, but I’ve never eaten any fish or seafood and thought it was good. I’ve tried it all, with people insisting I just haven’t had the right seafood, but no.

Scallops in butter? Sure, it tastes like butter. I still don’t really like it.
Shrimp, lobster, catfish, crawfish, tuna, salmon, mahi, whitefish, sushi, trout, calamari, ceviche, ad nauseum, no thanks.

When I was on the meal plan at school I ate cod once a week because they served it, but I had to malt vinegar it up.

I’ll knock the bottom out of some chicken tenders though…

The most important opinion on who visits is your brother’s. It’s his call, or it should be.

The biological urge is not the essence of evil- it’s the essence of life.

I don’t know much about zoom phoning, but I once put my cell number on the syllabus…once.

I thought it was awful at first, but it was just my cracked phone screen

You could have an expensive chair re-cushioned and reupholstered for a few hundos.

Hell, I relitigated it today for someone who seemed to think yesterday was the result of a witch hunt. It was always a matter of WHICH crime, never if one was committed.

You do you, man. Of course they wanted a conviction. What prosecutor doesn't?

Bragg never campaigned on prosecuting Trump. He promised to hold him accountable. Accountable for which particular crime was an open question.

It's clear to anyone remotely paying attention that Trump has spent the entirety of his adult life acting on the belief that the rules don't apply to him. He brags about it openly, for a variety of criminal activities. Sexual assault? "Grab 'em by the pussy." Shoot a man on 5th avenue? He thinks he could get away with it.

Of course he's going to appeal. That's what he does, as a working strategy for life: appeal, deny, prolong, run out the clock, until it can be swept away. I for one, recognize BS when I see it, and Trump is made of it. This is no more political than it is moral and legal. I'll take two of the three any day.

Explain to me if you will how Biden engineered his rival’s prosecution for laws broken at the state level?

This was not the dept. of Justice. This was the state of NY.

Biden has no more influence over those 12 peers on the jury than you or I do.

“Targeting political opponents” is more accurately defined as holding everyone accountable to the law. Nice spin though.

It’s a legal issue, not for admin

Plot twist: I’m not even gay! I just pretend because it gets me so much sponsorship money!

It was falsifying records (illegal) for the purpose of gaining favor in an election. That much is obviously clear. There’s no mystery here.

We need a leader who unites- Trump clearly is not that.

can you type? Seriously, taking notes yourself is part of what makes taking notes work as a strategy. You have to consciously think about what you're writing down, which is then reinforced when you study those key points. Don't shortcut if you want the best results.

Ah. I was expecting maybe clown shoes? Dept. stores aren’t my go-to for costumes but maybe it’s different for y’all…