See, I don't think White God will be personalized in Dresdenverse. It isn't a person as such in any of the Abrahamic religions. It has some person-like traits but that is it. 

Christians, just like Muslims, didn't paint God either for a very long time. Which is why you get rays of light, an offered hand, a dove... in paintings to represent the divine. 

God, or Alah, is everything. It is the creation. Not someone who made it. Which is why angels exist. They "know" the will of the creation and act accordingly. 

Bearded white dude is a modern invention. 

And I think that fits Dresdenverse a lot. 

Mab mentions Christ suffering, and calls Romans hobbyists.  But who knows what bible fanfic Dresdenverse operates on? In some versions of Christianity, Jesus is God. 

Didn't Liara end up working for Shadow Broker because she was looking for Shep's body? 

Maybe, if the game addressed that a little bit more, it would feel more tangible. 

I knew it...

The spreadsheet just smells of EVE 😃

My brother in Christ... Why are you playing Mass Effect? Did EVE: Online have servers down? :D

It is quite possible he will absorb it, or channel it, in BAT. The last hoorah. Maybe to rebuild the Gates. 

Because the game allows you to change the first name. 

Should have been locked to John/Johnatra? I have no clue what FemShep name is. Never played as her. 

I'm asexual. 

I still find women attractive, even though my base programming standard is stupid high. 

I still watch porn. 

It is just the actual act of sex that... Doesn't compute for me. I get nothing out of it. On the most basic, mechanical level it is worse than masturbation. 

But that's with humans. Lara ain't human. 

I think that's enough wiggle room for whampire mojo to take hold. 

Rezervace ve vlacích CD jsou naprosto katastrofálně řešené. Vlak vyjíždí z Prahy, stojí v deseti stanicích v republice a pokračuje na Slovensko. 

Rezervace sedadla? Papírový lístek nad sedadlem 'rezervováno.' Odkud kam? Jde vubec udělat rezervaci na to samé místo na různých úsecích trasy? 

Jasně, že si tam sednou lidi. Za ty dekády se mi stalo jednou jedinkrát, že přišel majitel sedadla. 

A stejně tak se mi jen jednou stalo, že někdo seděl na mé místence. Na požádání se přesunul. 

Yes, some saw them as gods. No, they didn't know. The games straight up tell you the Reapers find the worship repulsive, and consider Geth inferior tools.

When is the last time you told your hammer what it is for?

But I love people like you... "My opinion is the truth, so everyone else is therefor objectively wrong."

Keep on trucking, my guy.

Welp... Next time.

My ME3 Citadel party was pretty empty the last time around (played the trilogy after a decade). So I gotta give it one more try and do a full completionist.

My headcannon: that planet to actually be a Prothean/someone before them forge world or something. And they let the nanites lose when Reapers took control of the planet.

The little buggers ate anything and everything they touched. And now there's endless secrets beneath the surface, that no one can reach.

Mass Effect has nothing to do with realistic space combat/movement. All the ships in all the cutscenes behave like airplanes.

But let's say we push a bit of realism into it. Even human ships have artificial gravity. As such, a rapid 180° flip-and-burn of the main engines in the opposite direction would be child's play. Thus, no need for more engines pointed forward.

You'd need some maneuvering engines, or ezo-field generators to manipulate the ship's position. But that's about it.

They managed to push the Crucible in just fine. And it is not that hard to get huge things moving in space.

I love that moon. None of the following battlefields hit nearly as hard. London is just some basic scifi wreckage, the fall of Asari doesn't carry enough weight because you've never been there before...

But that moon? Damn!

The part of Geth that sided with Reapers was no different in my mind to the Rachni who's song was corrupted by the old machines, whipping up the Rachni Wars and subsequent Krogan rebellion.

They walled into a trap, and then it was too late.

In my last round, Tali was Vas Normandy but an admiral all the same, Legion was loyal and the heretics rewritten. My paragon points were high enough for all the checks.

She still died.

What class are you playing?

They jump into the system, and then they are going slow to the next one because the relay has been destroyed. 

Though, I don't recall how they are able to jump to the system. 

In game, they are one-off thermal sinks. You shoot until it overheats, eject it, and slap a new one in. 

They could've been batteries. At least that would make some sense. 

But can he fight like a Krogan? 

Run like a leopard? 

Those two should have had a possibility of romance. What a missed chance that was. 

I thought the same about Ashley. And then she opened her mouth. 

God, I hate that character with passion of a thousand suns. 

With you on the rest, though! 

Exactly. It turns any fight on any dificulty trivial.

Wait, wait... You struggle in ME3 playing vanguard?

Just how many weapons are you carrying? If the answer is more than a pistol, we found your problem. Your cooldowns are too long.

You can just Slam-Nova-run to the side for half a second, Slam-Nova... ad-nauseum... brutes and atlases repeatedly. You are effectively immortal. The only thing that can kill you are the grab animations.