terrorizing the locals

The fact that every time I decide to check Twitter/X and she’s trending, my brain goes “oh dear god, what sort of horrid, hateful racist/transphobic thing has she said now?”

Her name coming up is automatically bad news.

terrorizing the locals

Heart attack avoided. I know Tomer is a Zionist (which was already a bummer, I enjoy Frenchie) but I have not heard of other cast members being so.

Please spoil me too, I’d rather read now and know what to potentially avoid than end up seeing it. This was a hard watch.

terrorizing the locals

I’m no expert here, but I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about Jack Quaid, he seems like such a gem.

terrorizing the locals

Same, I miss Maeve so much. She and Soldier Boy are probably my favorite characters on the show.

terrorizing the locals

A friend of mine did expose me to “Wah Gwan Delilah” and it’s only further convinced me that Drake has not recovered from “Not Like Us.”

That track is straight ass and I thought it was AI generated at first.

terrorizing the locals

Well, the big problem is that the Republicans seem to know Trump is popular among their base whereas the DNC didn’t get the memo or simply doesn’t care that Joe Biden is wildly unpopular and controversial. But running someone popular might mean they would actually have to fight the duopoly a bit, and that’s a huge no no.

terrorizing the locals

I would pull clips that showed signs of rather obvious cognitive decline (I had a great-grandfather who got dementia) when arguing Biden was the weakest one to run against Trump and at that time I was told “it’s just a stutter.”

terrorizing the locals

To add on to voter apathy…people HAVE to be looking at the democratic primary (where Biden went basically uncontested) and scratching their heads at that, no?

The party that, run before last, had so many different candidates running to choose from really just cannot manage to get ANYONE but Joe Biden?

terrorizing the locals

When we did local elections, you wouldn’t believe how many people I opted not to vote for because I had NO idea what their platform was. They made a big focus of their run just “Vote me in, I will fight Trump and all politicians like him” and I couldn’t think of a faster method to get me to distrust you because that tells me absolutely nothing about your intentions in office.

terrorizing the locals

At this rate, I’m just waiting for someone like Ted Cruz to come out in support of Drake, the guy’s collecting L endorsements like they’re Pokémon cards.

terrorizing the locals

Exactly. Which again, I’m so sorry if this comes off as ageist, but I fully believe there should be a hard cap at 65 years old for holding office. We have far too many septuagenarians in politics who can’t be expected to accurately represent the needs and desires of the average citizen.

I’m Californian, I had to suffer having Feinstein.

terrorizing the locals

The writing was on the wall, but well…you saw all the good it did. As soon as I saw that Joe Biden was going basically uncontested in the primary, the first thought that popped into my head was “The fix is in.”

terrorizing the locals

I’m a progressive who fortunately didn’t have to regret my vote because I voted for Howie Hawkins. I live in a VERY blue state and I’m not a registered Democrat anyway.

EDIT: Noticed I’m getting downvoted for this as well, maybe some context will help. I’ve been registered as an independent for a couple of years now, since I am a lot closer to socialism/communism politically and none of the two major parties represent my interests, sadly.

terrorizing the locals

I think it’s honestly the cherry on top of a presidency and a political record that may be described (at best) as middling. His complete complicity in the genocide of the Palestinians, plus decades of being found right on the wrong side of war, openly fraternizing with some of the most horrible racists to ever hold an office and a fair number of his own sexual assault/misconduct allegations go a long way to erode the public opinion when paired with glaringly-obvious cognitive decline.

terrorizing the locals

I fully believe moderators should hold the power to subject debaters to an amusing game-show style penalty for failing to answer a prompt or going off on a tangent. Penalties should start wacky and become gradually more unpleasant.

So like, first offense gets you Nickelodeon slimed and further offenses lead you more and more into the Fear Factor territory.

terrorizing the locals

Sadly Biden has a decades-long career that backs up him not moving left. Part of why he was chosen to be Barack Obama’s running-mate was because he’s sort of been known as “Republican Lite” and it was a small attempt at appeasement for those who were unhappy he would become president.

Knowing his history, even if I was a Democrat (I’ve been registered Independent for a few years now) I’d have never voted for Joe. He’s notoriously always also been on the wrong side of wars and that’s a big ticket issue for me.

terrorizing the locals

Yup. I live in California, which is always solid blue. I didn’t get to have voter’s remorse when Joe Biden was complicit in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians because I had voted for Howie Hawkins.

Plus, after the Tara Reade allegations came out and I learned about all of the other women that have accused Biden of inappropriate conduct, I wanted to stand by my decision as a woman to not support a candidate like that.

I’m voting green again this year!

terrorizing the locals

I figured there was a good chance it would happen. I used to be a lot more involved — I canvassed door to door for Bernie Sanders’ run — but saw the two-party system is going to get us nowhere. The DNC pulled out all the stops to prevent Bernie from entering office, even though he stood the best chance against Trump.

Did people really so easily forget why Joe Biden has been called Genocide Joe? I can’t vote for anyone in this who is complicit in the slaughter of Palestinians. Voting for it just allows it to happen again and again.

Think about how many people were running when we had Bernie running and how quickly they dropped out after he did. You’re telling me not a single one of them wanted to run again against an opponent who is maybe the Democratic nominee with the most middling support, at best? My opinion of him wasn’t very positive, but take Buttigieg for example…he didn’t run again? That’s how you can tell the fix is in. The party isn’t even trying to hide it anymore…they really looked at us and said “yeah, the best we can do for President is Joe Biden.”

terrorizing the locals

This is the reason I’m voting third party. I briefly turned on the debate and it sounded like the most unhinged nursing home kerfuffle I’ve ever heard. I cannot believe people just accept that this was the best that both parties had to offer.

terrorizing the locals

I can’t support littering. Just put a dumpster below him and wheel him away after it’s over.


I love him, pure chaos in a single character so he’s my natural favorite. I really hope the sequel film is FNAF 2 so I can see him on-screen.

I was gonna say, the difference is that Kendrick doesn’t have the need to flaunt his relationship with his children. You have Drake getting in contact with TMZ and posting his child’s freestyle on the internet to get mocked…. Kendrick is just over here quietly and happily being a dad. He doesn’t need or want to put a spotlight on that.