So lets start with two letters a and b. For 1 letter passwords we have two options a, b. For 2 letters 4, aa, ab, ba, bb. For 3 letters its 8 aaa, aab, aba, baa, abb, bab,  bba, bbb. It starts to look like a pattern of 2n where n is length of the word and 2 is number of letters. Now we need to make this less based on examples. If we know that number of words of length n made from m letters is x then to make words of length n+1 for each word we have m options to what add at the end as n+1 st letter. This is how we get something called recursive formula. For length 1 we have m options, for length n+1 we have number of length n words times m options (we can see that each new word is different). Then there are ways to find formula that is not recursive for this but just guessing is also a valid method so we get that words of length n from m letters is mn. With this we get that 26×2 is 52 for both uppercase and lowercase letters and 52+10 for letters and digits. For 8 letter words (letter as signs, not 26 english letters) we have 528 and 628 as all possible options.

If you play against decks that use mana crypt, mox diamond, chrome mox, gemstone cavern, mana vault, mox opal, mox amber then the issue is not your deck but general power level. Any deck that does not run fast mana will be 1,2 or 3 turns behind whole table. And also the kind of decks that run fast mana are often optimized to also have very low mana curve.

So first of, there should be a power level conversation before the game. Eleveryone should state that their deck is for example high power or slightly upgraded precon so we can all then choose to switch decks depending on that. 

Important thing is that the decks you played against are nowhere close to cEDH.  Yes they may be powerfull but full fleshed cedh decks are two levels above the high power edh decks.

How to deal with this? If it seems that your deck is very underpowered for the table ask if they have a deck you can borrow. It will be probably a deck on similar power level. Second if other players play cedh they will be opened to proxies. 

If you ask if there is a strategy that can be played to counter those decks on a budget of 25$ then probably wont. And if you build A commander deck like that then you will run into the same problem that in different pods your deck is too strong or unfun to play against so back to starting conversation about power level before game.

For commanders that i enjoy and can be made on a budget and powerfull then codie, there are even 100$ turbo naus lists. This exact list is close to 200$ so on the rather pricy side but can be made more budget friendly.

Wrong, ad blocks skip this content. Its based on users flaring part of the video as ad and the client skips it.

Here is my take on the same concept

I did one less color to put even less stress on manabase and playing untap effects allows to stack codie triggers for both betrayal and tutor on the same turn. 

Because there is selvala which gives non deterministic amount of mana and draws cards as a mana ability.

The playoffs will look like this: play in beat philly (Duncan birthday is coming) then round 1 against bucks 4-1 (spo running circles around doc) 2nd round 4-3 vs knicks (both teams will be shadows of themselves with injuries) and 4-2  against Celtics (one god game from Jimmy and one Celtics choke) so everyone will end saying that heat are so close to winning it all.

Throw one bow on something, bow plus spear for example (I assume its for 600pts).

Gulavhar with WK for 600 seems too much, you dont have banner, WK doesnt have crown so with low will you will cast very little spells.

Imo at 600pts we need to make decision between WK and gulavhar. If you drop gulavhar (with new rules he is harder to play because it gets sniped by archers over your orc meat shield) those 200 pts could be distributed: 100 for shade (very fun unit for you, unfun for opponent), 25 for banner, 25 for crown, 15 for 3 more will and the last 35 for dead marsh spectre, and puting 3 orcs on those wargs with shields and throwing spears.

If you are certain you want to play both gulavhar and WK in this state little optimization would be moving wargs to gulavhars warband and spectre and 5 orcs to WKs for maelstorm scenarios when most of the time gulavhar will be joining WK and not the other way.

Thanks! My brother is collecting dale and instead of gw resin he is getting pendrive with files for christmas.

I really like this! What model is this exactly? I found torgorod druzhina from medbury on myminifactory but it has different shields than what you use. What is that shield?

Hype price is exactly how it should be.

Hypixel is very strict about word ip. They dont open any investigation, bot just catches a phraze and you get banned.

If u have proof of scam by certain player you can report them but that will do nothing because: one you need proof of scam not only him saying that he will upgrade your gear but also transaction going down so if u can lose that few milion coins then you get reality checked that admins dont have time to investigate and probably by the time they do item are transfered from alt to different account.

Minions + forge + kat + afking for bits with enough fame.

Its fun because you can do anything else with this money making method.

It depends how you want to start playing. If you want to make 2 armies to play with a friend and thats all that you will have then battle for osgiliath is perfect. It has two armies that are playable against each other and box also contains the rules.

If you look for cheapest army to start playing against other armies then battle hosts are the way to go. From the 4 of them the evil ones are better (Rohan is very underwhelming, Gandalf the White is hard to get his points worth back) so isengard and mordor are better. If you compare battle host against battle host then isengard is stronger but it you build your army further then mordor offers more.

If you want to get army to play in tournaments then i would recommend Assault on Lothorien LL if you can do some conversions. It isnt an army (same goes for vanquishers or assault on helms deep) that you play against your friends but strictly tournament/competetive army.

Wart or cactus. Melon and pumpkin is just about dropping that one roll. You have around 20% chance per contest so im average 5 contests for each one.

Minions first (28 t11 slime minions with e hoppers and corrupt soil) then mining setup. If bad ping then farming instead of mining.

Make sure you have stable income. Dungeon gear gets expensive quickly. Dungeons up to f5 can be enjoyed with lower budget (50 mil will suffice) like wise dragon for mage with spirit sceptre. But too often on f6 and f7 party finder becomes hell with players doing content thats far beyond their reach. And they dont have way to improve because it requires either higher cata lvl and they want to play big boy stuff not f5, or gear upgrades cost at least 10mil per one (wand of atonement, ice spray, fumings, necron). I will use necron as an example, lbin for it is around 50mil so u can afford it right? And its best armor you could get. But when you start doing harder content like f7 you need to invest more, necron ghead 30mil, fumings 25mil, gemstone slots, legion etc. Your armor for f7 to do it comfortably costs 150-200mil instead of 50 for clean necron. And so many nons dont understand this.

So if u have stable income (mining/farming setup) then go ahead, i would recomend watching some yt guide (check its release date) then make list of stuff you think you need and then consult it with sb else. Even post here like: this is my ign (so people can check skycrypt and tell you to get more mp), i want to do this floor (be specific, needed gear will change depending on it), with this class (also super important) i have budget of ..., and want to buy these items .... . With this people will be able to help you with specifics.

If you dont have a stable income setup slime minions with corrupt soils and e hoppers. They pay themselves back after 30 days.

Fire veil should deal around 600k per tick to voidglooms with mage setup. Even with melee reforges it will add around 300k dps. Try getting into any ashfang party to get fibers, kill mage blazes with 2 voodoo dolls, get 1m dmg and repeat 10 times. Mage outlaw just leech of sb.

For remaining points check exactly what equipment u use on morannons like spears, shields. Add some mobility, with razgush its 1 or 2 batswarms. A couple of warg riders is great for scoring those far objectives and helps on your flanks.

I saw RAZGUSH and assumed you really want him in your army. Bat swarm is super good and i would consider razgush's biggest upside option to take it. For army full of morannons: army of gothmog LL. For shagrat, shelob cirith ungol LL. For standard mordor good stuff i expect some kind of wraith as a leader (shadow lord, WK, maybe with fell beast), black numenorean in front, morannons in the back. If u play this way allying in yellow is ok because you wont have army bonus sometimes (more elite army so power model count) and with that sth like spider queen is fun.

Still play a couple games with proxied units and then decide what to buy and paint.

If im correct razgush cant take morannon orcs due to his rule war leader of the north. Also morannons wont gain hatred (elf).

Yes you can ally with esterlings. Its green alliance.

Take batswarm with razgush. Thats what he is for. Take best model in the game.

From personal opinions about this army: I dont find muzgur outside of his LL that good. For cost of 6 morannons you can get named ringwraith on horse which is better for killing things, better casting 4+ transfix still but access to compel, sap will, black dart. And something like shadow lord has useful ability on top of that.

If you want to keep theme of the list (i assume you just have razgush and muzgur) use normal orcs as spear supports and replace front with black numenorean for d6 terror shieldwall (generic advice from me i just like numenorean in front moranon in the back shieldwall. Here we replace morannon with orc to gain hatred.) Or just use only orcs to pump up numbers.

Maybe swap shagrat for gothmog. You are paying 30 points more for master of battle, two great abilities and being true cavalry (shagrat only knocks to the ground he does not gain extra attack). Ofc you lose s5, and blood and glory.

If u want shagrat and like shelob play cirith ungol LL. Just Better Shelob.