Look sometimes a normal clerk has higher stats than expect and maybe ,he got mad and called the guard which lead to an atempt at bribery which in it of itself led to a pickpocket atempt to get the money back.

A BIG mistake because that guard noticed and possibly called more guards and the bailif ,which led to a lot of unfortunate situations ,then a bailif was left standing, a heavy handed path was taken and a certain clerk was blamed.

We kinda forgot why we were there in the first place, but with a Mad bailif a Clerk in deathrow , we kinda didn't have a way to find the clues we needed.

We are all part of it , unless you don't buy things and live in a forest completly self suficient without buying anything

I doubt a cop can arrest a concept

You see thats because their would be an actual response and consequences

Mostly put blindfolds and get shot with blasters until some of them learn to deflect them

After they stole a shit load of their boat because they wanted to also take their colonial holdings.

Clearly its the parents fault, they even forgot to pick her up.

Whoever thought that was a good idea deserved to get hanged.

I really like the prequels for all its faults at least its as original ideas

Also if you are alone in the car why not just press the door opener

I guess you could say cultural history but still there thousands of sites were people store this kinda stuff

Thats pretty cool didn't know that about simple weapons.

What i try to do is limit a campaign to a few designs so i keep rotating designs makes me need to fill certain rolls and make new ships

Nah,that ship fucks, if it looks cool send it in having a weird ship winning against all odds is an amazing feeling

Being an actual doctor must be a nightmare

"Hey,you have a patient here with a tommy ache"

Sees eyes orbiting around him and his hand that is a giant claw and a guitar body

"Well, so like i have no idea where any of you is supossed to be, but i'il reckon i can give it a try"

I get rare moments of glee,that are immidiatly shattered by a fucking stalemate which breaks my soul,quit resent the fact i quit, watch a few hours of tutorials because this game turorial is non existent.

Restart the next time win big and then i get ANOTHER FUCKING STALEMATE BECAUSE PERU IS A MOUNTAIN HELLSCAPE and i didn't know about jungle,mountains and other tiles actually block width,so my previous army investement completly ruined and now i am 1 month away from having the intire US army down my ass because i can't white peace.

10/10 would want to die in a stabbing again

Yeah i know in theory but 90% of my ships qre either way to heavy or drive like trash

Wait, its a choice ?

The trick was making his brother "disappear"

This really reaks of "paying to reload your gun" energy, even EA wasn't that dumb.

And somehow nintendo wins

I don't get the rage. He didn't say he wouldn't do it.

Cleary she knews what actually needs to be done in the house and she is overworked

I mean kinda fucked he had to marry to get a promotion or that was a option that was throwed at him.

Also that her parents were breaching her boundaries and playing matchmaker with someone that would take a professional hit if refused,to the point he got what he could a gtfo out of the company, if true this could be all fake.

For a mistake she made in her life and assume they would fall for it with the cautinary tale across the table