No. All this has accomplished is to provide conservatives with additional thought terminating clichés to avoid discussion.

The only good that's come of this is that we have the opportunity to discuss how bad publicity is a real thing and there isn't a goddamn thing any of you loudmouthed assholes can do about it. It's not worth that win, either, because we can't afford to turn public sentiment against dealing with climate change at this critical juncture. We have little enough time to deal with this as it is.

Nah, the sub is infested with sniveling shitheels. The latest MO is busted, and the devs have acknowledged this, but this has had zero impact on the rate of hackneyed whining threads. They're all I get in my feed. It's infuriating. 

What is the deal with those fucking sunglasses? At least the one guy has aviators, I guess.

Cool, now we can stop making threads about it, right? 

I actually didn't mind that specifically as he's had a totally different upbringing. He seemed to have wisened up by the third one which was good. I'd love to know what kind of "aptitude" tests Starfleet has to drill through all that ridiculous apathy he had at the beginning to determine what he's actually good at, though.

It was ok. Worth a watch in my opinion since it went back to the whole "the future doesn't have to be shit" thing the Federation has going that I enjoyed about the first one. 

The second one shat all over that and made Kirk a creep. Not even Bendydick Cumdumpster could save that one. 

It's a pretty common formula. Feature a diverse cast and then hide behind them when it's revealed that you did a shit job.

The diverse cast isn't the problem, it's the worthless studio. 

Yeah the first one was the only one that was actually any good in my opinion. 

I just want my turrets to be made from whatever the extraction beacon is made from. Never seen a charger knock one of those over, eh? 

Add an "exosuit" tab to the loadout selection. 

Not old, just rich. It's pretty much always the rich people.


It is leading to increases racism against minorities as well.

You say that like you worthless shitheels weren't already dying for any excuse.

ooor, and hear me out, we can just ban the worthless cancer app that's adding nothing to anybody's life any more