Wondering how much the average post-college person spends a month on bar tab (food, drinks). My partner goes out once or twice a week after sports, and says about $40 a night is not uncommon. Multiply that for most weeks of the year (Amateur Hockey ALWAYS seems to be in season)...

For context, I've gone a couple times to a cider/beer festival in the UK, which ends up being about a grand between airfare and lodgings. I stay at a cheap hostel-like thing in the city (Nottingham) and the actual event isn't too pricey.

I was talking with friends about this in the context of bar tabs - I primarily drink english style dry ciders, and gluten free beer. Neither of which you can get any variety on tap anywhere except specialty bars that seem to ONLY sell those. Dragging friends out to Altbrew's taphouse when I'm the only celiac hasn't really seemed a thing. So I might get a drink out with dinner maybe once every 3-4 months.

I'm trying to logic my 'bar tab' - of airfare and such to this festival which features 100+ different traditional ciders, and 600+ beers on tap.

For science, what do 'normal' Wisconsinites spend?

Nottingham Festival link, for the curious