No bad teams just wait to the deadline to make the majority of moves every year because they think it's fun

That AI generated bullet point list does nothing to change my mind about arcia being terrible. The other players regressing/injuries reinforces my point even more. We aren't good enough elsewhere to cover up how bad he is

No. No one can convince me that the braves dont need to drastically upgrade on offense. If that comes at the expense of a little bit of defense then fine. The worst every day bat in the majors has to be replaced for the 2024 braves to have any shot of making a run.

It's not really up to him. A lot of the available players have multiple suitors and teams hold out until they feel like they've maximized value. If you get a deal done now for anyone good you likely way over paid

Yes there will be trades. The deadline is a ways off

Ah he did say cut up. I still do not see the way. It's on the grill. The grill is hot. Dropping 10+ degrees on a grill that's hotter than that internal? You can't pull it off and keep it at room temperature without the internal rising. It doesn't make any sense. You have to actively cool it

You're not dropping the internal breast temp on a whole chicken that's on the grill that far in that time. It's a probe placement problem

Ok then file the suit dude let's see it

Something is wrong with your reading if the few minutes it took to sauce the chicken the breast internal dropped 10 degrees

It's not cjs fault Zion gets hurt and BI can't have the ball in his hands when the game matters. We need that kind of shooting on this team and to ditch it because your 3rd option got forced into being the 1st option in the playoffs is dumb

I mean the entire theory and the choice of believing that it's just the norm. It would take you 2 seconds to realize that it's not if you were actually curious about the concept of 401k vesting and when it is worth it. It's like the person who has only seen one movie meme.

That doesn't seem like ops point. It seems like someone with minimal experience trying to be the smartest person in the room. "Every plan I've ever seen has a vesting schedule far beyond 1-3 years" is just nonsense someone who doesn't know what they're talking about made up

"every plan you've ever seen" is far from every plan. There are thousands of plans that vest immediately or on a very short time period. I was vested from day 1 at every job I've ever had.

If you want smoke flavor from wood, add wood. A smoke ring doesn't taste like anything and there is no reason to worry about it.

If they're dry and tough you over cooked them, yes

You smoke it until it hits 203

There are literally hundreds. What do you want?

None of this answers the question. You said it greatly increases the number of times we give up 4 runs. What's the math? How many more? What is greatly? Greatly to me implies a significant movement. It's been like ~36 times this year. Are you saying it would be 45 times with Ozzie at short? 50? 55?

Yes he is. The first 3 weeks or so of the season have his overall numbers slightly bumped but he's been terrible. Last 30 games (and before that) he's slashing 150/209/220. Duvall is slightly better. Arcia is 1st percentile in xwoba. 3rd in xba. 4th in xslg. 22nd in barrels. Duvall is better in all the metrics.

Though I'm not here to defend Duvall, at least he actually hits the ball hard. Every single metric tells you arcia is terrible