:Affiliate: Affiliate -

You could use something like Survey Monkey. They could submit their links as a response in the survey. Def have a mod go through the videos first.

:Affiliate: Affiliate -

I think you could probably do this with Crowd Control, but I’ve never used it.

:Affiliate: Affiliate -

I’m def interested. Been addicted to MC lately, specifically cobblemon but I’m down to play any kind of MC

:Affiliate: Affiliate -

Mine is imJenn… because I’m Jenn lol

My boyfriend did something similar for me. I’m a HUGE Diablo fan. Before 4 came out they did a merch box thing that was like $150-200 and I couldn’t justify spending that amount at the time. I mentioned in passing that I was disappointed but at least I would be able to order the cheapest version of the game. He bought the merch box and preordered the ultimate edition of the game for me. Still one of my favorite gifts I’ve ever gotten.

Same. Next time I see someone questioning why women chose the bear I’m just gonna link this thread.

NTA my boyfriend who isn’t even the father of my children and literally lives on the other side of the country right now found a way to make Mother’s Day special for me. You live with this man and he couldn’t even do the bare minimum and he’s gaslighting you… why are you with this man?

:Affiliate: Affiliate -

First one for sure. The second one might be hard to read for mobile viewers.

I was never really into plants until I worked at a nursery. The first time I saw someone water the succulents and cacti I thought they were murdering them for sure.

I haven’t Turked regularly since 2014 so I have no idea what people are doing now days, but I do know a bit about using scripts. Scripts are small programs that run in your browser. They add things or change the way you see things. For example, there was a script that would automatically scroll to the part of the HIT you actually work on. It was helpful for the HITs that had crazy long instructions. There are also scripts that run in the background that scrape the website and automatically accept HITs for you based on parameters you choose. It makes grabbing the really good HITs easier. You need a script manager, I use TamperMonkey. To get the scripts themselves, you’ll probably have to do some research, I’d start in the Mturk subreddit. You can also do a search for mturk on GreasyFork. Having said all that, I doubt mturk is worth it. For reference I have 20,000+ submitted HITs, a 99.9 approval rating and Masters and I’ve looked a few times in the last couple months and couldn’t find anything worth doing.

NTA. She should have had the period talk a long time ago. My daughter turned 10 on July 31st and she started hers 2 months before that. I cannot imagine how terrifying it would be to start and have no idea what was going on.

The study with me videos with the pomodoro timers have been especially helpful for me.

The fact that you believed her when her parents didn’t, probably helped her more than you know.