Replies like this keep me coming back to Reddit.

45k wowza I didn't know it was that many. That's wild. Thanks for sharing.

What's a smaller car, though? Is it weight? Electric vehicles are heavier than some SUVs. Is it engine? Some SUVs are only a 1.5 which is a small engine. It's not as clear-cut as "all SUVs are bad". I drive a 1.5 SUV because I live in the country down a lane with about 1 million potholes, and I do a bit of homesteading, so I literally need it. The whole SUV thing is a separate issue. This is just, like OP rightly said, a clown driver. Also, the comment about "women" is problematic. Don't paint them all the same. My Mrs is a great tidy and safe driver and drives my yolk. So you'd be lumping her into that category when she absolutely wouldn't deserve it. See where I'm coming from?

My auld lady has always been a woeful driver. She must be heading for her late 60s or early 70s now, but she got her licence in some kind of giveaway or something the government did years ago. My friends boss is a similar age and got his the same way.

I got 2 grand off list price from a main dealer last year. Granted, it was an ex smokers car, but it had a 2 year warranty, was a 2019 and tiny miles. So it depends on the circumstances and the dealer. Vast majority of dealers, though, are tough to knock down on price.

That's a wild price for pads!

You can do new pads without new discs but I wouldn't do new discs without new pads. Pads shouldn't be that expensive.

This exactly. My mrs has just been driving a few years and she's a grand tidy little driver. If she met some idiot like this it would knock her right back. And the thing is, if you reverse and you happen to hit someone behind you, then you're in trouble. Dead right not to move lad.

Took the corner way too fast, ended up on the wrong side of the road, blocks you, then proceeds to reverse back out into oncoming traffic. In fairness, nicely handled OP. Loved the audio! F**k me though, the roads have gone cat over the last few years.

I'm not clear on what you're asking, OP. Are you getting pads and discs front and rear?

"Was James finishing his lunch when I woke up?" What a strange question.

22k list price down to 20k with a main dealer, 2 year warranty, new discs, pads, battery and a tank of fuel. It was an ex smokers car, which I try to find when buying, as dealers mostly want to move them on as fast as possible. I spent one day deep cleaning the car. Smell was mostly gone in two weeks, nothing but a faint whiff (every now and again) after one month and entirely gone after 2 months. Now the car smells and looks like brand new as it was a low mileage car. I'm not a smoker btw. Not for most people but worth it for me (as I have good gear for cleaning). Just to note it really depends on the seller/dealership. I've tried haggling with others before and they wouldn't even budge a few hundred so it really depends. No harm in asking but don't start talking about the price until you've spoken in detail about the car, done test drives etc... Let them know you're a serious buyer before the haggling starts.

You said that people "get an earful" paying for a journey on "Bus Eireann" with anything more than a tenner. That is literally not true. That's what I was commenting on. But, you do you, enjoy your judging. I'm sure that'll work out well for you. Sounds like a hoot of a time.

I'm sure OP will do that, but I personally find Reddit and the Internet in general great places to start to get a holistic view on subjects and then narrow in with professionals and so on. OP now has a lot of good information from very helpful Redditors on this thread, which OP can use to potentially inform conversations etc... Speaking from experience, I've had more than one professional let me down with advice, so I always do a good chunk of my own beforehand and sometimes get a second opinion, too. My issue with the inheritance tax is I think more consideration should be given to grandparents and that the thresholds should be risen and amended constantly with inflation. That's all.

People don't get an earful for paying with more than a tenner on Bus Eireann. A tenner wouldn't even get me close to home with Bus Eireann, so I'd get an earful for trying to pay with less. But yeah, a 50 for a short trip in the city is excessive. Just don't judge people on Bus Eireann if you see them with 50 as there's a whole big country past the red cow roundabout lads.

"The wealthy" you know nothing about OP. Sounds a bit more like good old Irish begrudgery. Why are people confusing OP with a billionaire. I'm sure if OP was "wealthy" they wouldn't be on Reddit looking for advice.

This exactly. Tax man getting another massive bite out of something they've already had a good bite out of. The tax bands are unfair for the nuclear family and grandparents. They should be updated and amended frequently with inflation. It's to be expected to pay tax on inheritance to some degree (tax keeps the country running), but there's a fairer way to do it.

Is the average price of property cheaper or more expensive now than it was 15 years ago? How about 20 years ago? Or 30 years ago? Or 50 years ago? There's a fairly, straightforward curve there that can be used to make a vast generalised but nonetheless, intelligent guess on how that curve will continue to go. OP said they want to make the most out of the property in the long term.

Exactly it is. OP said "I want to make the most out of it in the long term". What's your point?

It's certainly worth the OP's time to look into all options with a legal/tax professional at least. Disclaiming their inheritance might also be worth looking into depending on the family situation.