Lightroom. I was using ver5 for the longest while for my A7, when I upgraded to A7IV I had to update LR because it wouldn’t recognize my raws anymore. Currently using latest LR, really loving the AI spot/object removal and denoise. Not fond of monthly subscription

Paris Space Mountain is absolutely gnarly. When I got in line, there was someone exiting, hurling. Imagine Incredicoaster but in the dark, all those twists and upside down loops in the dark can wreck you. 10/10 would recommend.

Pretty much this. Pro tip for op, capture the moment BEFORE they kiss. Getting the photo before/ just as they make contact makes for some very flattering photos. Faces tend to go squish when they’re in full kiss mode, usually not flattering. Minor example

Donuts. I’ve had donuts in Europe, Latin America and Canada, nothing beats a good goddamn American donut .

I’ve ordered from Shutterfly for many years and was always happy with the results, however my recent order last March seemed to lack some color and punch, something about the image quality seemed off despite me going from a Sony A7 to a A7IV. I’ll probably give them another go but I keep hearing recommendations about mpix

This post makes me exhausted. My wife and I managed 30k steps at Epcot the other day. Felt like I dropped a pant size. Gj!

Dragon Age Inquisition, Knight Enchanter. Place magic mines for insane damage, electric cages that constantly DoT, magic missile barrages, and the ability to dual wield lightsaber type elemental swords.

You could be out in the streets using it on drugs and hookers, if anything your family should be proud of you

Be sure they’re ok with the fact that you’re starting out and that mistakes will probably be made.

After that, get to know your camera, settings, limitations etc. Then make a checklist of photos that should be taken during a ceremony, ie are they doing a first look, etc. I started out doing weddings when my sister requested I photograph hers when I got my first camera, this might be your start as well!

The Photographers Guide to Posing by Lindsay Adler is a great starting point.

We have Pagan Min at home

4, even though Vanilla Sagat wrecked me into next week

I went to this saloon, this waitress looked at me weird and I didn’t take kindly to that. I hogtied her with my lasso, carried her out onto some train tracks and strapped dynamite on her as I laughed like an old Tyme villain.


Sam and Max viewfinder toy. Instead of seeing static images, you can see into the future.

Jeez, Mexico taking advantage of the fact their spot in the World Cup is secure just because they are co-hosts

Konami: Metal Gear is cool and all, but have you Pachinko’d?

Kept bugging me where I heard fem Vs voice until I looked up her work, also did Moze in Borderlands 3. Considering BL3 is coming to PS+ next month I may have to give her a spin.

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. Harder scenarios, enemies, 3 new General type enemies that will hound you to death or until you hunt them, or face them all in the finale for a suicidal battle.

The original final battle was cheesable because you were able to send in one unit to act as bait while you lead them to a previous room which acted as a killzone. Now you’re thrown into the thick of it.

The path to Eden is clear to those that have Faith

Bust of Lara Croft, Crash Bandicoot, Metal Gear Rex, and inverted Dracula castle. Long live the PSX!

Therefore you need to play Metroid Dread and get through the Emmis in the same drunk state now. Go on, git!

Sandevistan slows movement for everyone but the user I think? Whoever sandys can move around normally.

For everyone else, it could be like the Max Payne 3 multiplayer, where those who were caught in the bullet time player FOV had movement slowed and aiming slowed. There were fantastic firefights were players would bullet dodge off the roof of a building and lay mayhem to unsuspecting players down below. Multiplayer Sandevistan I think could have worked, but I’m definitely glad they focused on the SP experience.

I was wondering about that. Thought about putting seats on the NG+ ship seeing as how everyone just stands around