Game dev here. I agree with this decision. The bird is the obvious odd one out (#4), and then the two women on the upper/right side (#3 and # 6), are just a bit too plain looking compared to the rest.

Dowry began out of the desire to get the bride's family to contribute to a share of the costs involved in setting up a new household (for the Bride and Groom! NOT anyone else!!). It only makes sense if the Groom's family is doing far better off than the Bride's family financially.

Not sure how Africa managed to get this practice backwards and cripple the young couple instead of helping them. Probably because of rampant corruption and lack of morals becoming so commonplace that average people decided to adopt it at the expense of the youth. What an evil barbaric practice. No wonder more than half the continent is still stuck living in the stone age.

It's the most practical realistic advice there is. The thing is, by far, the vast majority of people out there don't even know how to talk to God. I'm not talking about saying prayers or waiting for a sign, I'm talking about full-blown active conversations like you would with any person.

It can be profitable while lvling up fishing if that's what you're asking..

I fish in black zone mists specifically. I average 1.2m-1.5m per hour depending on how attentive I am, and that's with only fishing tier 6 zones. If you can get some t7/t8 wisps and happen to catch lots of rare fishes, you can get up to 3m or more per hour even, but that's unusual.

I have 100/100 fishing + fishing spec. Can confirm this is accurate.

Clearly, you've never witnessed the true power of God before. I feel sorry for you, brother.

Okie dokie wish granted

God always has the best ideas. Pray about it? Ask for an answer to be revealed through dreams?

Don't make me threaten you with prayers 😉

I'd recommend not looking up to western mainstream music artists, as the vast majority of them are illuminati members more than willing to sell their soul to the devil for fame and fortune. That's if they've not already done so, which is almost always the case. Most of them have no real talent of any kind. It's the producers and mixers in the studio behind them, and they are just a face with inflated egos representing the music industry as a whole.

The whole government is corrupt, but if you want to compare who is the more evil party, nothing tops the Demon-rats.

I've been trying to get cable internet here in Entebbe for months, but services tell me they can only install three poles for free, and I need 13 to reach my location. I offered to pay for all to basically extend the service area. They refused until I begged them. Now they are saying they will contact me and we can work something out, but now I've been ghosted ... going to attempt contacting again asking what happened, but this kind of frustration and effort is utterly ridiculous.

Might as well say there is no market for anything Ugandans have not already tried or are used to no matter how wonderfully tasteful it is, even if it is offered at a cheaper price.

Ugandans are great people. That's just my thoughts on the food personally 😂

I know how to cook for myself and have a home here. Thanks.

Maybe a bit, yeah. Aside from roasted chicken, though, I like to enjoy some chopped and mixed tomatoes with onions, along with a little bit of shredded cabbage and green pepper. It's a good start to uniquely good Ugandan cuisine.

For real someone should make some chicken and cheddar cheese samosas, adding small bits of green pepper. Foreigners would fucking love those and they'd sell out every day I bet. It could help boost Ugandan cuisine reputation.

Personally, I've delved into many belief systems for years before becoming a serious Christian purely out of studying what works and what doesn't in regards to manifestation, law of attraction techniques, meditation, etc. From my experience, atheists are the dumbest fucking people to exist on the planet because they've explored their personal beliefs the least amount among all the different groups of people, no offense. Knowing God and the bible is like a precursor for manifestation. That's how powerful it is. By the way, thanks for letting me know so that I can pray for you. Then you can witness first hand what I'm talking about, long after you've dismissed what I've said as complete rubbish and forgotten all about it, until something profound happens, which I have no doubt something will. Again, the sexual position was a mere suggestion, which is why I said "MAY," even capitalizing the word.

To you sex is all about pleasing oneself when it's supposed to be about pleasing each other, with the root of the intention, the whole point of sex, is to connect with the other persons soul. The eyes are the entrance to one's soul, hence my suggestion to aid in connecting with the other person. Marriage is considered a sacred act of divine connection, not just for making babies, which is why the Bible says to have sex often.

If you're not making an effort to create more of a connection with the other persons soul, OF COURSE it's going to become dull. No amount of changing positions, using toys, etc. - pursuing whatever lustful act it is to achieve a new all-time high pleasure meter orgasm can EVER truly satisfy your soul and spirit without making a connection with the other persons soul a priority of sex itself. If lust is the focus, you will just endlessly end up wanting more and more until you create a hole that nothing can fill, and then you will become miserable. All of that can be explained in great scientific detail throughout the study, observation, and experience of the energy centers/Chakras of the body during sexual practice and performance.

Oh, but you're atheist. As if I should take that as a warning, like I've never dealt with or conversed with people like that before. Get over yourself. You only believe in being arrogant and naive above all else, taking the laziest route in life, not spending any time to develop yourself as a person. Not believing in anything but bullshit science such as that we come from apes, then die forever and cease to exist, since that is simply what is spewed and regurgitated throughout mainstream channels. Sipping government promoted brainwashing cool-aid meant to fool the general public but acting like you know it all while everyone else knows better otherwise. No doubt you're too lazy to read everything I've typed or even have the patience to utilize critical thinking based on my experience with atheists.

Have a nice day if somehow you've managed to read this far, but you probably skipped to the end.

I'm just offering some honest advice. However, as this is reddit, I am likely to get downvoted, attacked, berated, etc., by none other than women who are in the same situation as the OP (also a woman), who are told things they don't want to hear simply because they want to blame the man and hate accountability. Hence, my advice gets you people triggered, and then the hatred comes. Thanks for the validation that I'm likely correct 😋

You are probably either guilty of being selfish yourself, or you let your partner walk all over you regularly.

Ugandans truly have no taste buds and offer a disturbing lack of variety. Even the places that make pizzas and burgers don't know what they are doing. Soggy pizza not cooked properly, doughy not crispy at all. CJs serves burgers that say they come with cheese, but they put some disgusting sauce as a replacement. Chips (fries) at nearly every place are cooked just enough to be edible, zero crisp to them, undersalted, etc. The list goes on and on, really quite sad. Roasted chicken is probably one of the only things they sometimes make well. Complete turn-off for any foreigners or tourists looking to visit or stay for some time.

Anyone who thinks matooke and beans are delicious has yet to experience good tasting food.

Pray, be honest with him, stop faking shit. The sex is bad because you are not in sync with each others emotions/flow of desire during sex which is why you fail to orgasm. Also, if you watch porn or masturbate regularly, that could also be the reason, and your husband has nothing to do with it even.

It MAY also help to face each other during sex if you don't. A lot of women are selfish and insist on only having sex facing away from their husband, not saying you do but just saying.

Create a small ecosystem set into some kind of tray that fits into the space. Make small hills with a river of water going around in a giant loop connected to a small pond with the water flowing using a water wheel. Add moss to represent grass. Create some pathways and small bridges. Add bonsai trees and other cool looking small plants, etc.

To add an extra touch of specialty, add miniature structures of your choice - perhaps a castle, wooden cabins, rusty model cars, broken airplanes, a working toy train set, etc. Toy animals could also look cool. You could even go the fantasy route with goblins, orcs, trolls, dragons, etc. If you really wanna take things up a notch, add some small live fish such as minnows or something.

What I get when I smoke is the perfect feeling of exactly what nutrients my body is telling me I'm lacking or needing.