I think context is key. Learning first aid in Boy Scouts because you could get attacked by an animal or pricked by some brush is way different than learning first aid because you could be shot by a fellow classmate or psychopath at any moment while learning your ABC’s

Bro really used the Xbox gamertag generator to name his kids lmao

Help my dad after hit and run accident (update)Medical

https://gofund.me/e4340eb5 My dad was involved in a hit and run while he was out riding his motorcycle. The doctors say he is recovering well but still shows effects from the concussion. He has 2 surgeries coming up and the medical expenses keep getting steeper. Any donations or even sharing his gofundme is greatly appreciated. We are hoping after the surgeries he will be able to recover at home.

Sincerely, thank you to all who have helped and are willing to help

Isn’t “type beat” an older term tho? I remember using that in middle school and I’m 27.

This made me laugh then immediately made me sad.

I’ve heard from too many business owners that yelp skews their actual reviews/ratings unless businesses pays them a premium. So, I wouldn’t trust yelp ratings tbh.

I usually end on performapal duelist or Avramax to protect dyna along with secret village to stop spells.

I usually have secret village up with dyna to prevent spells

Ngl, he got me in the first half

Can someone draw a saxophone in his hands in that 3rd pic from the top.

It was a dark knight for that neighborhood for sure.

Does Walmart eat the cost for when things like that happen or do you guys go back and deny the refund?

If you want to see the video, look up “death of base jumper dwain weston” on YouTube

Every time I see one of these I just get flashbacks of that video of a guy attempting to do this through a bridge but ends up hitting the bridge and getting cut in half in front of all the spectators and his family. That video was crazy 😐

I had the HOA complain I had an AC unit in my window during one of the hottest days of the year…

Still trying to forget the emu war 😔

Disgusting! I hate Pepsi, I'm more of a Coca-Cola guy.