Vicces az Erasmus a listadban, mert messze kevesebb a sulya, mint minden masnak (a Horizont az mas teszta, de csak az Erasmus?). Gondolom erintett vagy! Reszvetem


You would print lab instructions anyways and not have your laptop on the lab bench, right? ... Right?

Makes sense. Well, the housing situation in Luxembourg is quite fcked, so I suggest you marry a local 80-year old and just inherit.

Chemical physics

A small counterpoint I could make: maybe its more important to like the supervisor/working environment than the topic itself. It is quite common to get to hate your research during your PhD, which leaves you in an awkward situation if you have chosen out out of love. On the other hand, a good office environment, fun colleagues, and an understanding supervisor can make even the most boring topics bearable.

Depending on your degree (and your fluency in French), it might be quite hard to find a good paying entry-level job here. Let's say you manage to find one that pays 3k net per month - this is a lucky case. Living in Trier or Arlon nowadays in OK conditions can easily be 1k per month. You will also probably spend at least 500, if not 1k per month, on expenses such as food and transport (might need a car, especially in Trier, depending on where your job is). This best case scenario leaves you with 1k per month to save. Let's say a house in Luxembourg is 800k EUR - this means you can save up for a house in 60 or so years! Of course, this ignores mortgage, but also interest on your savings and potential increases in the salary. Still, lets say you will need to work for 35-40 years at least if the current housing market is stable.

In short, no, people are only really able to afford homes here with two OK salaries, unless you manage to earn an extremely good amount. There is a reason why locals are also pushed out of the housing market... you might find more luck working here for 10 years aztán húzni haza a pénzzel.


Well then they would be chemists. I dont see anything wrong here.


It might be a language issue. In my language, a chemist is someone who has a degree in chemistry, and a techinican is someone who has training as a technician. This has nothing to do with who is good in their job and who is not, and it is certainly not a high horse to call someone by their job title.

Im actually glad I had a few hundred kcs on old vetion. These new caves seem terrible.

Universities in Luxembourg? What would be the top three choices?

Cheddar! Some people legitimately associate quality cheese with cheddar. For others, its one of many.

Champions often have two abilities. Did they break the game? Who knows, maybe.

You can probably get 3-5 years old gouda there. Marvelous.

Hát, so-so. Egyreszt ugye nem EU-elnoksegrol van szo, hanem EU Tanacsa elnoksegrol, masreszt meg a tanacsban, bar nyilvan orszagok alapjan, de csak a miniszterelnokok ulnek... szoval akar lehetne is mondani, hogy OV az elnok

The capes that I think are useful are mage, range, and slayer. Maybe HP. And I have these.

Lost a good 5-6 kgs because Im now forced to eat healthy. Damn!

I assumed 06.24 would mean 24th June, but all the date conventions confuse me, so im probably wrong.

Chemical physics

Chatgpt has no concept of truth. Its just an autocorrect.

Did you get it a week ago? We can see in the photo that it was meant to be sold by the 24th. This cheese is a goregonezola.

Heh, Ive been around almost since release, and I have zero intention to max most of my skills


Ive seen some presentations of startups that claim that the actual synthesis itself can already be automated, all you need to do is load in the reagens. I can't find the startup now, but here is a Sci Adv paper claiming something similar. I can't imagine it doing non-atmospheric reactions, however, so most of inorganic chem is out. Honestly, all I want is automated chromatography...


I mean, there are two points, I guess: analytical solutions are not really more impactful than numerical ones, and we are pretty darn good with mumerical ones already. Second, I wouldn't bet a lot of money that an analyical solution even exists...