Unpopular opinion: While 3D models looks amazing, their 2D counterparts looks too small to be clearly distinguishable and identifiable...

But on the other hand, Square were crystal clear about this "beach episode" since the first trailer dropped.

27% ms... Get otta here with this trash! xD

Can someone explain to me, what's the point of this controller? No rumble, no hall effect sticks, no force feedback triggers, no customization, no display...

It's like if Rings of Power authors would leave an Easter Egg for Harry Potter films...

For some reasons I thought it was k (thousands of chaos) per hour... But looks like inflations isn't that bad yet xD

Sounds kind of promising... I hope they can deliver in details, like Arkham did.


At first, I thought OP I would tell us what makes "big games" great in VR. But then I saw -  "Big titles"... Valorant KEKW And the absolute nonsense about quality of standalone games.

Empty, unresponsive world, bugs bugs bugs. Underdeveloped characters, with stories leading to nowhere, bugs bugs bugs. Choices, doesn't matter even slightly, bugs bugs bugs. More than half of the map is basically just a pretty background, bugs bugs bugs. Many Far Cry games has more depth to its gameplay, than this "RPG", bugs bugs bugs... And I can go on and on and on...


I'm not complaining, but this time it's more like "Steam Sh*t Fest"..

Yes, but the difference is that Square's has replaced almost every project leader on that team and restructured higher management in company as well. Here we have the same people, responsible for the initial shitshow trying to "fix everything" once again...

November this year, right, right? (Princess Padme face.jpg)

I won't miss spending thousands of chromas on chests for my wonky builds...

Probably because they should've asked 70$ for a NEW game, and not for a half-assed remake...

OG TESO was the last glimmer of hope back in 2014...


My question would be about storytelling and its presentation.  I know, most of us doesn't care about these aspect that much, but for vast majority of new console players it can completely ruin their overall experience from the game. Just look at Preach for e.g. even he (who couldn't care less about stories in games he plays ) found this aspect of POE more annoying than anything.

Small text boxes with extensive story dumps was okay back in Diablo 2 days, but in 2025 most players expect more engaging storytelling from games.

So, "Can we expect more modern, more engaging storytelling and its presentation in Path of Exile 2?"

And the second one would be about Inventory management and UI navigation in general on consoles. "How different Inventory management and UI navigation in POE2 will be compared to current version of the game?"

Will it have more ergonomic navigation and keybind layout (unified cancel/back button for e.g.)? Qol features like "snap cursor to closest item", menu for crafting(with ability to quickly (re)apply different currencies to the item), more convenient navigation in skill tree and other passives, and maybe we can finally have "organize items" button (at least for consoles Chris ;)?

I hope so, because GGG did not clarified it anywhere, this as far as I know.

Something tells me that EA and beta launch will be different things, with one hopefully coming this year and the other... sometimes in 2025...

W8... You can run VR apps AND display second monitor right there in it's environment!?

I don't know what's wrong with you guys but for some reason none of you have mentioned Brothers: A tale of two sons or even Journey...