Volunteer! I work at a homeless shelter and the volunteers are phenomenal people. The kindness and generosity they have towards the community keeps me from feeling so hopeless. It’s hard to focus in superficial things in that atmosphere as well.

A little further down would look better. I don’t mind the size, if it’s a piece you really connect with - keep it.

Starvation mode is a myth. Lose weight, and you need less calories to maintain than you did before. Your body also subconsciously stops extra movement, rocking, wiggling, all the little things that add up. Things slow down, but they don’t stop.

I’m going to shop at Safeway. Then after that I’ve heard wall mart are slightly less horrible than loblaws

I’m 5’6 and fairly rectangular. I wish I had more of a waist. I like myself and feel healthy now at 120, but think my body looks best at 115.

I’m so sorry, that is incredibly hard for all of you. Thank you for believing your son and trying to help him. I think adolescence was the worst time for my triggers… so just the fact he has caring parents is massive. You’re doing what you can, and so is he. I hope more research is done on misophonia so we can all get some relief.

I wear over the ear headphones with noise cancelling when I’m triggered by talking. It cuts just enough of the noises but I can still hear talking. It’s usually with my husband that I need to do this, but my parents can also trigger it. I also can’t listen to certain podcasts due to voices, although I’ve been pretty fortunate in my day to day life. Sounds like his is more severe than mine, but he’s not alone. I’m sure there are quite a few of us with this problem.

Yep. I always wear headphones when I eat. Otherwise I obsess about this too.

Peas mixed with mustard. Sometimes I add tuna.

Assuming your wife knows what misophonia is; my husband understands that I need to wear my headphones when he eats. I also remind him this is MY ISSUE, and he’s not doing anything wrong.

I have extra sensitive days and I’m always upfront with him about it. I’ll say “hey, it’s a sensitive day for me so I need to wear my earplugs or sit farther away.” No over explaining, no apologizing because no one is wrong - it just is what it is.

Cortisol spikes first thing when we wake up. I find I clench my body and grind my teeth. Telling myself to loosen up and breathe deeper is helpful… but yeah, it takes awhile to settle into my day.

Husband (53) and I (43) are childfree and LOVE IT. We met just over a decade ago….Neither of us were previously married and no step kids. Felt like I won the lottery with those odds!

I was wondering where the name came from!

Words can absolutely trigger misophonia. I’ve learned misophonia can be all sorts of irrational sounds! I think it’s great how you want to help and are sympathetic to her needs. I’d use the word dinner, and while you might slip up now and then - I know when my husband is actively trying to change a trigger of mine, it helps lower the intensity of the reaction.

It was actually a food intolerance (not allergy, which would’ve been worse - like anaphylaxis). After I cut out peanut butter for about a year, I noticed I was able to eat it again. I’m someone who can eat the same thing everyday day for years. I’ve noticed when I change up my foods more regularly, I don’t build up intolerances to them. Idk bodies are weird and getting older just makes them weirder.

2741 days

Healthy can feel boring at first. I started to get excitement back a few years in. Kinda depressing, but it was better than the alternative. Now I can even enjoy boring moments.

When I was a kid, thrift stores were all we could afford. Thrift stores are supposed to be for low income.