First congratulations on your daughter. Second. We have to address the MIL and cancer scare. If a doctor and the diagnostic test are run if there is cancer it is addressed quickly. It is only after the actual diagnosis does it take forever to get things moving with a treatment plan. From the date of my teat to the day I found out it was not cancer it was a week. My mom who did have cancer it was three days. So something is off with the timeline and or her ability to quit her job because she might not have time left. I will be the one to say it. Being diagnosed is not an automatic death sentence. So she is using it and getting sympathy before she even has a diagnosis. Being in that limbo sucks and it is scary. It is easy to go to dark places but it is not an excuse to want all of her sons time especially when he has a newborn coming soon. Now to your husband. He needs to set boundaries. I know he is in a spot as well BUT he needs to grow up and realize he has a newborn baby now. He should have answered you period. What if you were not planned to have a home birth? What if something went wrong? I am glad that nothing did bit the what if will eat you alive. Now I do not think you are NTA but you meed to either move forward or leave. Of you move forward there has to be communication to him about what your and his expectations are. Instead of holding on to it say it. Otherwise you are no better than him. I wish you well.

Military wife here. I have seen this a few to many times. I have also seen it handled so many different ways. Personally I would report it to her commanding officer and also your husband’s gunny. Those are the only two that matter to you. Yes others might get caught in the cross fire but that is not on you. You have to report it honestly. She should not be in a position of power.

Nta. Period. I have kids your age and older and I can’t imagine trying to control them like this. I grew up in a family like that. It only drove me to leave as quick as I could. I did and it wasn’t easy but everything i have is mine now. I did that. You can too. You have to make a choice now because it will affect the rest of your life. If you stay and do as they demand of you they will have control over everything you do forever. At least they will try. If you leave now you can learn to establish healthy boundaries. The choice is yours but all those stories of mothers of the man in the relationship that drives their partners insane will be your life if you allow this now. Its a flash of what is to come.

This all seems too much to be honest. They all have something to sell when you break it down. Some have deals others have book deals. Now realistically as an author I know staying in the limelight is a sure enough way to try and sell books. The language they use is so geared towards people who believe everyone is narcissist who doesn’t agree with you. They all have a lot of reflection to do and stop trying to be the best at being a victim. I hate to say it but playing a victim or being one is going to backfire on all of them. None if them are acting like grown adults. If someone is toxic walk away. You don’t have to announce it. Abby and amber have popped up on my fyp a few times. Both have history of this cycle. Idk who megan and the other chick are but all are acting like middle school girls fighting.

I am sure the people who donated care. Like she was dry begging at the height of the pandemic for money to continue the journey and then went on a vacation. Then she had her kitchen redone. Then her “office” and workspace. The blocked any person who asked questions about the go fund me. She had i believe three of them through the four years. Not bad for a grifter.

If it was so traumatizing then why did you continue to do everything on the internet? I am mot faulting her for the wanting and going after baby number 2. She seriously has her own form of attention seeking behavior. I think the beginning she was at least sincere in want to help others but everything became about money after that. The go fund mes, the vacations shortly after, the home Remodels, The ivf cycle after cycle and now even with her knowing that she has an extremely low chances of conceiving naturally she is posting it with intimate knowledge no one needs to know. She needs help. She needed consulting when she had miscarriage after miscarriage. Not surprising that she is going to spin someone calling her out as they need mental help as well.

Lock the ssn number if you can. There is zero reason to give the number out to anyone. I am in the process of trying to fix the issues with something like this. My mother in law stole my daughters ssn card and used it to open credit cards and accounts in her name. She was an infant at the time. She is now twenty and starting life and can’t because of her grandmother who is a pos. A lawsuit is in the works. Heed my warning and learn from my mistake

“Are you going to be a doormat forever?” These words changed my life when i was in your situation. I hope they work as well for you. My story of my first marriage is almost identical to yours. So i am going to be blunt here. He will hit you sooner rather than later. He will not change if you have a child he will get worse. Do you want to be responsible for bringing a child into that? Leave. Despite what people say there are great men out there. If you need support and can find anyone reach out to me. I did it an trust me if i didn’t I would be dead.

Nta simply put you gave her a dose Of possible reality. Thats what friends do. I lost a friend because I told a friend to go easy on her own expectations. Not that I was saying she would not be able to be the greatest mother on the planet which is how she took it. Peoples reactions are not your fault as long as you were not actively putting her down, which it seems that you were not. Laughing is also a somewhat normal response. I have four kids and all four were completely different. It took us time to figure out each one.

She most likely does everything through her husband or his name. Including the “influencer” gig. So she doesn’t pay taxes but her husband does. If she is talking about all together I wonder how she bought her house then, cause the mortgage company hounded us for the tax information. She would only be able to buy with cash then.

YTA……. No possible way you are not. How YOU felt was irrelevant. How your mother felt was irrelevant. How your wife felt was everything and you ignored her. My condolences to your wife and her loss.

Asshole Enthusiast [5]

So NTA here. My daughter is engaged to a male that is also Mexican. I would never dream of saying something like this to her or him. First off it is their wedding. Second off that is his family which will be connected to mine through him and if they have children. I speak Spanish and my kids all are bilingual but my husband does not and he would not have an issue with a bilingual ceremony either. Tell your parents and family they have time to learn enough to understand and see what they say then. That will give you your answer on how things will be in the future for you and your wife. Die on this hill and then stand with your wife. They are your family but your wife will be also. How they handle something like this will show you how they will handle anything in the future. Watch them. They loved her as a girlfriend but they will not accept her as your wife. They will say things while you are not around to her. To make a wedge between you two. You are already proving that you will be a great spouse. Keep it up.

I don’t think that means what she thinks it means. I think what she meant to say is she would try and steal your man away the second she could and talk shit about you behind your back.

Gotta punch down not up. She can’t handle the call outs from someone who has more than her. Such a trash human

Trash…. She is just trash. I have zero problems with disciplining a child appropriately but at no point should it be on the internet. Its not content. Period.

Oh honey, I feel for you so much. I know the pain your feeling and even the doubts you have about moving on but you have to for yourself. For context I married really young at 18 to the man I thought was the love of my life. He was everything to me and I stayed despite all the red flags and hurtful comments that he said either behind my back or even in front of me. It was bad though at the time I was scared to be on my own. I was still young at 21 when I left. Years wasted and I was not the same person I was going into the relationship. Two years later and a lot of work I did meet the love of my life and in him I found out what love really is. 20 years ago I married him and we have four wonderful children now. You are not that old in the grand scheme of life. Also you can not make someone fall in love with you. It doesn’t work that way. It would be nice if it did but that is not reality. So it is time to move on and let him go. Chances are he will never have the girl of his dreams but let him settle for something and someone else. You will be much happier in the end and I hope you find a man to treat you like you are the world. It won’t be him though.

Hun this is dangerous territory. Seriously. You have to cut contact with K like this second. At no point are you the real AH in this situation but instead you could seriously become a statistic. End it now.

Oh no! Lol I don’t care. It shows themselves and how insecure people are

They have always rubbed me the wrong way. Idk why.

The teachers that are in the podcast are questionable at best anyway. Idk about Lauren so much but she has said a few things out of picket before as well. Gabe Dannenbring has a few issues in his past as well, I actually worked with him on a project(not teacher related) and can say he is honestly a teacher I would not want my child to have. Tell Williams(preK pause) is not even a teacher atm and have his own Controversy about his OF page. If they said something about an IEP and or calling a student “to dumb to spell” honestly it would not surprise me. I fully support teachers but not ones who think they are so much better then the students and or parents. They should be looked into.

You lose them the way they came to you…. Circle of life