We have the same in South Africa. Our courts still mostly okay though. USA same or worse as a third world country.

Would argue Lando taught Max as well. After the contact Lando tapped him twice as opposed to going left to avoid further contact. As if to say you damage my car I’ll give it right back.

Do they use lawyers for these types of things?

Yep. And it really could have gone either way, that catch. It was millimeters.

Good news though you guys. It’s not because of cadre deployment.

Did you really have to upload the 1999 thing again? Years of therapy is now down the drain.

I know the guy that was in the suit. He is a medical professional today.

Every game where a referee asked that a captain talk to his players, he has always waited for the captain to face the opposition again before be blows time on. If that did not happen fast enough, he will tell the captain to get a move on. The very fact that this is controversial is proof enough.

He communicates it to one person whereas John had to communicate it to several. If the shoe was on the other foot your comments would be different.

But, thats in the past now, and in the past it shall remain.

Yep. It’s one of the most perfect puns I’ve ever seen. I am sommer gonna cry.

I don’t get why people take a ban so personally. I have been banmed there as well. I am not welcome there: okay, noted, I’ll go somewhere else. No skin off my nose.

Sargaent probably gonna crash that wedding too.

Monkey in Space

I have done a bunch of divorces and like 90% of those; you can replace the dog with a kid in this story. Lots of dads crying to just get access to their children because their mothers just prevents access out of spite or to get more maintenance or shit like that.

My ex-wife worked with me in my practice and saw this as well.

I am divorced now, but I think because she saw what it does to kids and perhaps to dads, there was no fight. We have 50% custody of the kids and if I just want to swing by her house to see them, it’s rarely refused, if ever. And vice versa.

People that keep their ex-spouses from their kids out of spite, they don’t love their kids, man. It’s not about anything other than themselves.

Not the bit my company highlights. They highlight the bit where it is a privlige to be part of the company.

The company I work for idolizes the Apple way of doing things. Amazon the same.