I can fully admit that before season 1 of Alone I had no idea or hadn’t thought about what it was like to live or thrive like that. It has opened my eyes tremendously and I’m grateful. Great point OP!!

I deeply appreciate what these amazing people do on this show however, I’m so grateful to watch from the comfort of my warm home.

Hollywood Hills

Pharmacy of the West just filled my daughters Ritalin after CVS said they wouldn’t have it for a year 😳

After Alone!!! I would love to watch a show about this as well.

That’s called dressing a turd up but, it’s still 💩 underneath 😂

I love this post so much and I too stand with Israel today, tomorrow and forever 💙🤍🇮🇱

Yes, she’s absolutely vile.

Does she realize that most people never post a Go Fund Me ever, let alone 2 or 3 of them?! She is beyond delusional.

That’s how I’m going to refer to them NAH’s 😂😂😂😂

Nope!!! Don’t feel sorry for her not one tiny bit.

Oh no worries, I came in thinking it was yesterday’s episode 😂😂 I take full responsibility 💗💗💗

Ohhhhhh Thank you, I just watched an episode yesterday where Reza left so I thought I was caught up 😩 I’m going to watch now😝💗