Lost our first Cavalier ( male- Blenheim) at 8yrs old. Likewise, he died during the night in his kennel. Best dog ever and am thankful for the time we did have with him and for all the joy he brought to our family! After 11 years had passed, I finally got a tri-colored male that I will do all that I can to keep him healthy and prolong his life. As for how many years I’ll get with him, that I don’t know as there are no guarantees in life. What I do know is that I plan on cherishing all the time I have with him!

Mine will have eaten, drank, gone both 1 and 2 outside, and still look at me and hark (howl- bark)! I’m like, “What do you want?” He will cock his head at me to both sides, like he’s trying to figure out what I’m saying, and then hark again! 🤷🏻‍♂️At least we are both confused about what the other is wanting!

Zook-ski-doo (a play on his act name Zuko) or I call him Pubby ( my son’s nickname was bubba or bubby) so this is Puppy Bubby put together.

Hey… wait a minute, you’re not a ruby!

MC CKC: Spit’n out the Lyrics but keep’n da Bones!

I will have a stop over at DFW airport in a couple of weeks. I will be sure to wear my Niners hat too! Bang Bang!

Just experienced an odor coming from my boys ears a couple of days ago. Did some research and treated his ears with Colloidal Silver. You can also use ACV to treat yeast, ear infections, or mites, as a natural remedy to circumvent some of these common issues. Or you can just take them to the vet and spend the extra money.

Had someone recently say, “We don’t have one of those designer dogs, ours are just rescues”! 🤦🏻‍♂️

If I leave my Cav at home (he’s 4.5 months old) I put him in his kennel, cover it with a blanket and I leave the TV on to something that plays for several hours so that he thinks someone is there with him. He has done great showing very little separation anxiety!

Likewise! Mine has several tug ropes and Kong tug animals but he prefers chewing on his leash! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

We should let the Pitcher bat and put the DH in CT’s batting position! I don’t think the Pitchers would do any worse. I remember Kershaw being a decent hitter, for a pitcher, not Ohtani level good but still decent.

After watching the entire video, I’m just pissed I didn’t get to see Kyle!

My first Cav was a Blenheim and my new pup is a Tri-colored. Every time I look a the Reddit Cavalier page and you all post pics of your pups, whether they are B&T, Ruby or Blenheim, I think to myself, “I want to get that color the next time”! 😂

Poor Leila, some people are so hard to please! Bring them a gift like a lizard and they are like, “ I didn’t want a lizard, I wanted a rat!” Ingrates! 😂

I have chosen, at this time, not to neuter my 4.5 month old male Cav. As someone else stated earlier, if he begins to show any abnormal signs or aggression I will consider it. However, after doing some research, it appears that a few unwanted side effects can result from neutering or neutering too early. Such as their growth plates not fusing, causing overgrowth, and hip dysplasia or joint issues.

*If I remember correctly, more specifically, it may have been microwaved “Cheese Popcorn” that she ate daily. I recall her mentioning something about Cheetos cheese powder, used on several of their products, having this “same” nefarious ingredient!

Microwaved popcorn! I met a woman years ago, while doing appliance repair, who was on permanent disability and said that she would probably die in a couple of years from eating microwave popcorn. She said that she ate it almost everyday and had developed something called “popcorn lung” as a result! There is a chemical in microwave popcorn that the FDA does not require manufacturers to include in the ingredient list because of the small amount, or is given a less obvious name. When microwaved it’s released into the air and breathed in causing a calcification of the air sacks in our lungs severely limiting our capacity to take in oxygen. It is also one of the main ingredients in mustard gas, if I remember correctly!