Incendiary, Trapped Under Ice, Drain....

In my city, homeless people often go to the library to get cool in the summer and warm in the winter so my first thought was this is a measure against that as the majority of the homeless don't have IDs

We weren't doing that flat earth thing, just Christians that didn't believe in dinosaurs...on a strictly scientific basis, of course.

We weren't on as guests. We had gone viral and Joe mentioned us ( cause he's dumb AF and fell for it ) and played a video we had put out that featured just one of us breaking down the evils of big Paleo. He of course mentioned her boobs. They are nice boobs tho

Oh, hi mortal enemy! I was one of the admins in CAD. I was one of the most hated ones lol. It came just in time for me. I had split up with my wife and lost my job of 8yrs a month before that took off and the distraction literally saved me. It was so fun when we were all over the news and Joe Rogan. I'm the guy on our YouTube channel who does the interview with Russian news station Izvesta.

I used to roll with the troll group Christians Against Dinosaurs and I promise you we all stayed very committed to character, even in DMs. Especially in DMs, really.

Sorry. I doubled that. It wasn't supposed to be there again at the end of my story, ha

I should add that I've had more positive experiences/vibes with the phenomena than not, but who knows what's up.

When I was 8 yrs old, 1987, myself and some friends saw a green orb in the sky above us. Well, it really appeared to be clear glass with a green swirling and pulsating mist inside that gave off a glow. Typical sighting stuff - dome of creepy silence, we all dumbly froze. I snapped out of being stunned and ran into my house to excitedly alert my parents. Eventually most of the neighbors came out and saw it then it just disappeared. My friends and I all discussed right after the sighting that it felt like it was looking at us and that it fucking hated us. It's so hard to explain.

That's not the weird part.

Later that night an early childhood memory came to me that I had forgotten. I was three or four years old, in my bed for the night just laying there in the dark. When you're that age there's new stuff to see everyday so nothing is weird. I'm laying there, I FEEL that something is at the window ( second floor ), my window is behind my headboard. I get up and turn to look out of the window and I see muki colored tiny glowing orbs dancing and spinning right outside my window. It delighted me and I was giggling. Maybe it was an intentionally false feeling projected at me but it felt like they were playing with me. Trying to entertain me and I had this overwhelming feeling of love and joy. Next thing I know I'm standing downstairs in the living room, confused and murky, my cowboy hat on and my blankie over my shoulder while my mom is shaking me to snap me out of my daze and asking me why I was downstairs and what was that loud bang she heard. I clearly remember saying to her "Its okay. Santa and his reindeer took me for a ride in the sky."

I have no memory between seeing the orbs and being in my living room but I think about that every fucking day.

That's not the weird part.

It's not surprising that upon sentience a robot would immediately kill itself. This shit is hard, bro

No worries. I was just confused. Thanks for the clarification. We'd just say "in the country" typically.

Bro, no matter how bad things are trust that they can be changed. Things around you won't change unless you make a change, though. I'm 45 and in recovery.

I was always very much a party guy and casually did and sold a lot of drugs. I was functional until I was 30 and suddenly my opiate access and cravings overtook me after making an effort to slow down after my daughter was born ( I was only 21yrs old ). My marriage was unhealthy and I had a high level corporate job that stressed me out and I was absolutely exhausted. I was doing so many things to replace the drugs and alcohol in my twenties that I just burned out. The job, excessive working out, being a dad, I was in a hardcore punk band that played out almost every weekend. I was still running and hiding from something and you are too. Figure out what it is and deal with it.

I can't give you real advice on getting clean as everyone is different. It's cold turkey and massive suffering for me. The suffering of withdrawal can be like a purifying fire. It makes me hate being an addict that much more.

I got clean after losing my big time job and marriage to my love for opiates. I stayed clean for 5yrs, fell off and quickly got into a methadone program ( which was a huge mistake for me but it works for some people). As soon as I got off of methadone my little brother overdosed and died in my presence. I held on pretty strong and his death was even motivational for me. Then, just last year, I was in a toxic relationship ( equal blame to go around, I became toxic in response to the toxicity and just exacerbated things )which drove me to using coke and booze. I reset this new year and have been Cali sober since, got back into the gym, broke up with the girl....

My point is that it can be done and that if you find yourself falling off, you can pick yourself back up. Don't give up. If I can do it, you can do it. It's a daily fight. Please make sure that you get psychiatric help in tandem with detox/rehab programs. The mind is a garden that needs a regular pulling of weeds. It needs to be tended to. Figure out what your weeds are and just work on it. Patience and loving yourself is key. I love you, bro. Live for those you love and figure out what your ultimate shadow is. Figure out what drove you here and deal with it directly. I've never met an addict that didn't have some kind of trauma in their past.

Message me whenever you'd like if you just need another addict dad to talk to.

This is a fight. It's still adorable, tho

I was just finishing highschool when it came out. It felt like I was in on a hip ass secret watching that in my room when the world was asleep. It was a time when being into weird shit was still way uncool. The only ppl that fucked with it were in my friends group. Just the punk rock kids, skaters, stoners and other freaks.

Oh wow. I regret not having more kids. I'm divorced and my daughter is grown and out of the house. I've been aimless.

Fuck man, calm down. I'm 45 and in great shape. Just workout and eat right.... don't do too many drugs/alchohol and you'll be fine. Just this morning I saw a video of a beastly ass 70yr old coming into a gym.