My horses live with a retired zookeeper caring for them and we weigh their hay out each day. It’s pretty easy- we have fabric slings and weigh it on a fish scale for each feed. It’s a good way to ensure the horses are getting the right amount.

What is the difference between an air vest for riding vs one for motorists?Equipment & Tack

Does anyone know what the differences are between the air vests marketed for equestrian fall safety compared to the air vests marketed for motorcycle safety? There’s a big difference in price but I’m wondering why.

You can at least practice walking into strange things so that loading is less stressful. Even just a thick piece of plywood on the ground is going to help simulate the thunks of being on a hollow floor.

4h! It’s a great mix of learning good care and the chance to show when you’re ready

My sister has 2 on her property and yes they love each other, but they are both fine going on separate trail rides and walks away from the other. She often takes treats or will let them graze a bit to reinforce leaving. She also makes sure they get equal attention and time alone.

Nice neck and shoulders. Good front end ( unless very crooked from the front view). Back end is harder to tell because the horse isn’t square but looks also pretty nice. Quite a lovely horse overall. How old/ what kind?

Honestly don’t give up hope. Find the right place for you- Horses need positive people. I think it’s the only way the culture will change.

Sounds good! Glad it sounds like she’s surrounded by people who won’t push her past her limits. Good observation skills and responsiveness to her needs- it’s nice to hear 😉

That’s great to hear she’s feeling more like herself! Is your horse ready for self carriage? Prerequisites are that they can move forward regular and straight, can do a good lengthening, and produce a reliable half halt. Then you can begin to ask for self-carriage for short periods of time each session to build up the required muscles - imagine each step they take like that is doing a deep knee bend for you. How quickly before you can do 100-or 500? It takes years (generally 2 or more) don’t rush it or it won’t work. its a lot quicker to get something that looks like collection by messing around with the horses head - but that leaves their back hollow and more likely to lead to injuries and soreness over time

Thanks all! she’s doing so well, I love how relaxed and willing she is😀🥰

What kind of training exactly? She sounds burnt out to me OR something might be triggering past traumas (mental or physical). Have you heard of start button behaviors? They help your horse better communicate what they are up for so you have a willing partner.

I mostly use teff pellets and sliced carrots. However I started training for voluntary deworming per Ken Ramirez’s video with Apple sauce in a syringe and my mare is crazy about it so I use it for a high value reinforcement . Her eyes light up when she sees that syringe.

Finding someone who can pony her ( and you on her) on trails is a great step to get her out there safely

If you’re not comfortable explaining yourself- What about just making some clicker training materials available to the barn? Buy your favorite R+ book and make it a stable copy, make a target or a treat pouch anyone can borrow, or even buy a bag of hay pellets to let people try. Find some inspirational r+ trainers and suggest checking them out.

I knew a wiley old mare (not mine to choose how to handle this issue) who would grab the bit in her back teeth and then do whatever she pleased, including bolting home with a child on her. A nose band kept her from doing that.

It’s because she’s breeding- if a mare does really well in events she can have foals. I haven’t watched tons of her stuff but I’m guessing she doesn’t work stud colts. A gelding doing well just makes their siblings (and usually sire) worth more