RX 460 is likely too old and slow, you may have been able to get away with an RX480.

One of those dumb things at the supermarkets, they have bunches in bags while also having loose bunches - minimal price difference either way.

Yeah that's a lot 4 - 6 is what I'd expect as that's the typical pack size.

Thanks, I never had a pot noodle till about 10 years ago so I wasn't sure if it had always been this way.

With Bisto granules it's the other way round, chicken is veggie, but beef isn't. Their 'best' range isn't veggie, but they also have a specific meat-free range now. You have to look out for chicken powder, or beef extract - if you're not a meat eater.

Did they ever have meat in them? All the current pots afaik are vegetarian.

Walkers Cheese and Onion crisps is a funny one they're suitable for vegetarians now, but they've switched a number of times now. First became vegetarian in 2004, then caused a little outrage when they switched to a non-vegetarian recipe around 2013 and later reverted back to a vegetarian recipe.

Amex and LinkedIn ads for me right now. While before that it was some hair growth company, not that I can remember the name.

Turns out they won one last year in the Nations League final against Croatia.

Him skying that penalty over the crossbar against Brazil is the only thing I remember from that world cup, I was 10.

Virtually every PM gets offered a peerage, but before Cameron most declined it; Brown, Blair and John Major declined their peerage.

He was shipped in 13 years ago when Soulby wanted to be mayor, that was my point the fact it happened 13 years ago doesn't change that, he had no connection to the city.

Funnily enough, the independent who won the seat knocked on my door a couple of days ago. It's the first time no one else has rang, during the council election and mayoral election I had numerous people canvas - even the Tories which rarely happens.

Also the first time they won that seat since 1983. Additionally lost Labour South that hasn't happen since Jim Marshall died in 2003 during the Iraq war and the Lib Dems won the by-election.
Labour has got to stop shipping candidates with no connection to the city, just because these 3 seats historically have been safe.

Yeah Mr Wilson was the neighbour, plus the American Dennis wasn't even a menace.

The green ones are an older generation, the silver ones are their newest generation of cells.

That's correct, Murdoch made his money by being populist. Hence, the Scottish Sun in 2015 backed the SNP while the main paper backed the Tories.

Blair wanted to join the Euro, it was Gordon Brown who stopped him. Murdoch isn't really interested in policy, he's interested in making money - hence, his papers always endorse whoever is most likely to win.

I don't have a best, but I mostly rotate between Diamine Majestic Blue, Sargasso Sea and their Royal Blue - additionally Waterman Serenity Blue and Pilot Blue.

Yeah I had to double check, my initial instinct was it must have gone up by a few pence. But I have an email receipt, the oldest one was from 2013 when I purchased a handful of blues - that's what started my never ending search for the perfect blue.