I've been playing Sion since season 2. He got me access to the PBE back in season 4 where I tested new Sion and been playing him since.

Here is my short wish list:

  • R should clear slows at the start (currently the ramp up is a lot slower if a slow has been applied before, usually renders it unusable)
  • CC immunity for a short window after landing R (I'm thinking similar to Malzahar's passive) (too often I land ult but get CCed by my target right out of it so we're both stunned there for ~2 secs)
  • Fix ult not hitting dashing targets
  • Fix E hitbox (it's quite unreliable since the last rescript (I think patch 8.5?), minions will often teleport over targets without dealing damage). E is the least satisfying ability but it makes or breaks a combo
  • Allow an ally to ride Sion during his R like Herald
  • Fix Q not updating correctly. ASol can displace Sion's Q and it's quite obvious the ability is outdated and needs love. Did they disabled Chauffeur for Sion in Arena because the indicator was too goofy? Haven't seen it once.

Edit: from the comments, I'd be down for moving the health passive away from W to be enabled from level 1 by default